I installed 6.2-PRERELEASE on my trusty but slow Sony PCG-Z505JE and
things generally just worked (including an Atheros based pc-card).

Historically I've set the machine up to use APM, and suspend and
resume to either memory or a magically prepared disk partition worked

With 6.2 I can't seem to get APM hooked up.  I've disabled ACPI by
unsetting ACPI_LOAD at the loader prompt and loaded apm, but when I
boot there aren't any apm messages in the dmesg output and /dev/apm
doesn't exist (which irritates apmd).

Things actually work surprisingly well with ACPI, including suspending
into S3 with acpiconf.  I'd be happy to run that way except that the
suspend key (Fn+Esc) doesn't work, so I have to

  sudo acpiconf -s 3

every time I want to suspend.

Does anyone have any idea how to either make the suspend key work or
get apm to behave?



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