On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 02:15:25PM +0300, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
T> On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 01:24:36PM +0300, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
T> T>   I wonder why UMA was suspected to be the problem. Dima gave
T> T> me access to the core. Here are more details from the trace:

And even more:

(kgdb) thread 133
[Switching to thread 133 (Thread 100147)]#0  sched_switch (td=0xd745c900, 
newtd=0xd51f7a80, flags=2) at /usr/src/sys/kern/sched_4bsd.c:980
980             sched_lock.mtx_lock = (uintptr_t)td;
(kgdb) frame 9
#9  0xd07a6e16 in syscall (frame=
      {tf_fs = 134938683, tf_es = 59, tf_ds = -809566149, tf_edi = 134997504, 
tf_esi = 134998528, tf_ebp = -813707944, tf_isp = -170046108, tf_ebx = 
672261300, tf_edx = 0, tf_ecx = 134969072, tf_eax = 1, tf_trapno = 0, tf_err = 
2, tf_eip = 672832335, tf_cs = 51, tf_eflags = 646, tf_esp = -813707972, tf_ss 
= 59})
    at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c:1034
1034            userret(td, &frame, sticks);
(kgdb) p *callp
$92 = {sy_narg = 65539, sy_call = 0xd0630550 <poll>, sy_auevent = 43012}

(kgdb) set $poll = (struct thread *)0xd745c900
(kgdb) set $fork = (struct thread *)0xd59aad80

(kgdb) p $poll->td_state
(kgdb) p $poll->td_inhibitors
$94 = 1 == TDI_SUSPENDED
(kgdb) p/x $poll->td_flags
(kgdb) p $fork->td_state
(kgdb) p $fork->td_inhibitors
$98 = 8 == TDI_LOCK
(kgdb) p/x $fork->td_flags     
$99 = 0x1000000 == TDF_SCHED0

Not everything clear yet, but looks like:

1) $fork thread obtains proc lock
2) $poll thread blocks on proc lock
3) $fork thread has suspended the $poll thread in thread_single()
4) $fork thread temporarily unlocks proc lock (line 821) and is
   preempted by $poll thread
5) $poll thread obtains proc lock, and starts doing its poll job
6) $fork thread blocks on proc lock, and is added to its turnstile
7) $poll thread drops the proc lock, but isn't preempted by $fork
8) $poll thread exits and is preempted by $fork

...) and here is something difficult to understand, when $poll tries to
make $fork runnable, while $fork is trying to put itself in the turnstile
that is owned by $poll

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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