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- --On Tuesday, March 06, 2007 18:59:04 +0300 Anton Yuzhaninov

> Hello Marc,
> You wrote on Tuesday, March 6, 2007, 6:10:45 PM:
> MGF> Does this show anything?  I can't kill the processes, even with kill -9
> ... MGF> this happens consistently just after 3 days uptime on a kernel built
> "Fri Feb MGF> 23 07:47:20 AST 2007", and the interface is an fxp0 device ...
> MGF> # ps auxl | grep ping
> MGF> root     68994  0.0  0.0  1556   808  ??  D     7:58AM   0:00.02 ping -c
> 1 -t MGF> 30      0     1   0 -16  0 zoneli
> This is know problem:
> http://www.freebsd.org/releases/6.2R/errata.html
> There are some different cases when zonelimit livelock is possible.
> Send vmstat -z output (when processes lock in zonelimit state).

Great, thanks ... just read the errata on zonelimit, and it seems to imply that 
it was fixed on the 12th of February, but (of course) it doesn't indicate which 
files ... I just did a new cvsup since my last one, and all that has changed is:

Updating collection src-all/cvs
 Edit src/lib/libarchive/archive_read_extract.c
 Edit src/share/man/man4/tap.4
 Edit src/share/man/man4/tun.4
 Edit src/sys/amd64/conf/SMP
 Edit src/sys/dev/wi/if_wi_pccard.c
 Edit src/sys/kern/sys_generic.c
 Edit src/sys/net/if_tap.c
 Edit src/sys/net/if_tun.c
 Edit src/sys/netgraph/ng_ksocket.c
 Edit src/sys/netinet/ip_mroute.c
 Edit src/sys/netinet/tcp.h
Finished successfully

Can someone comment on whether I just missed the commit on my last cvsup, or if 
I'm hitting the same problem but in a different way?

Thanks ...

- ----
Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email . [EMAIL PROTECTED]                              MSN . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yahoo . yscrappy               Skype: hub.org        ICQ . 7615664
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