On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 09:50:54AM -0500, Doug Poland wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to test 6.2-STABLE's ability to handle UFS2, quotas, and
> snapshots.  In particular, I would like to make sure the deadlock
> issue is resolved,
> (http://people.freebsd.org/~kib/quotagiant/quotas-20060428-1252.patch)
This patch is for Giant removal around UFS with QUOTAS, is outdated and
contains known bugs. Please, wait several days
until I finally commit stuff into the HEAD. After that, I most likely will
backport the patch.
> In addition, it appears that compiling support for quotas in the
> kernel will force the Giant lock on UFS and I want to make sure I
> won't have a performance regression on the filesystem.
See above.
> Can anyone recommend a testing regime?  I have a -STABLE production
> machine in mind that needs quotas enabled, is running
> sysutils/freebsd-snapshot, and has several large filesystems (100GB+).
>  I'm not sure I want to "test" on this machine, however.
> Thanks for your help.

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