On Thu, 3 May 2007, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

 > Robert had mentioned in one of his emails about a "Sockets can also exist 
 > without any referencing process (if the application closes, but there is 
 > still 
 > data draining on an open socket)."


 > Again, if I'm reading / understanding things right, without the 'referencing 
 > process', it won't show up in sockstat -u, which is why my netstat -nA 
 > numbers 
 > keep growing, but sockstat -u numbers don't ... which also means that there 
 > is 
 > no way to figure out what process / program is leaving 'dangling sockets'? :(

Marc, I don't know if it may provide any more clues in this instance,
but lsof -U also shows unix domain sockets with pid, command and fd. 

Cheers, Ian

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