Quoting Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Clifton Royston wrote:
On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 01:01:46PM -0700, Chris H. wrote:
excerpt from this list titled: NFS == lock && reboot, that I posted follows:

# uname -a
FreeBSD host.domain.tld 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Jan 26 16:27:14 PST 2007

Does anyone know when NFS and friends will be working again? I haven't been able to /safely/ use it from 4.8 on. I remember some talk on the list sometime ago and
then it seemed to be resolved, as the discussion ended. So I thought it was
fixed. Seems not. :(

My scenario;
mount host off root:
mount script exec'd follows...

#!/bin/sh -
mount -t nfs host.domain.tld:/ /host
mount -t nfs host.domain.tld:/var /host/var

confirm mount...

# ls /host
.snap    COPYRIGHT    bin
usr    var    tmp

OK looks good...

# cp /path/to/approx/10Mb/file /host/path/to/dest/dir/

Fatal double fault
eis 0x0blah
eiblah blah0x
panic double fault
no dump device defined
rebooting in 15sec...

Hmmm... that's not good. :(


My final solution was to change the lines in /etc/rc.conf


Making those changes ended the "Fatal double fault && reboot in 15 seconds..."

  Thanks for this very timely mention!  The cluster of servers I am
about to upgrade from 4.8 <embarrassed cough> to 6.2 relies heavily on
NFS to an old Netapp.  If I have got to disable rpc_lockd and
rpc_statd, it's good to know that now!
   Can I ask, can anybody confirm that they're running 6.2 on NFS
successfully *with* lockd and statd?

Er, yes, of course it does. The old message he is quoting is bogus on its own,
While I'll grant you that I haven't *yet* found/taken the time to create a
dump device and re-enable rpd_lockd && rpc_statd && cp 10Mb file to mount
point to produce an *instantaneous* "Fatal double fault". I don't think it's
fair to label my original post entirely /bogus/ - especially in light of
the recent post I replied to. Which seems to have some very common ground.
I should probably mention that since my last posting (my original thread),
I have some 20+ RELENG_6_2 boxen that *do* have rpd_lockd + rpc_statd
enabled. Yet none of them produce a "Fatal double fault". They are all
Tyan SMP boards with dual onboard fxp's - as opposed to the Nvidia UP
which has a single onboard nve. They are all inter-connected via NFS.
I have a 750Gb drive hanging off the /problematic/ Nvidia board, that I
had intended to use for NFS back-up's. But given the NFS issue I had with
it, it didn't seem to be the best solution. If anyone felt like throwing
me a "cheat sheet" for creating a dump device out of that drive and a
"quickie" for producing a backtrace. I'm sure I'd be better able to find
the required time to produce the required information. I'm sorry. It's
just that I'm a hundred million miles away from that right now. As I've
been building several large web applications, and their deadline is fast
approaching. FWIW I bounced all the servers today, and therefore have
recent /verbose/ dmesg's. Should any of the information they provide, be
of any help/use to anyone.

Take care. :)


I don't know if he ever was able to provide meaningful traces but it may well be nve as in the upthread discussion.


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