AngryWolf wrote:

Recently I upgraded my FreeBSD 6.2 system to 7.0-BETA2 using cvsup and the following howto, except that what I first did was a `pkg_delete -a':

Everything went OK, except that, after the second reboot, now I can see:

- no system messages (what I usually see in dmesg),
- no rc messages (about daemons startup),
- no general syslog messages (like using command 'su').

Just a thought, are you using a serial console, have you a /boot.config file?


It's like I've lost the default tty or something, because after the boot process finishes, I can still log in, KDM starts up fine, etc.

How can I fix this?

FreeBSD localhost.localdomain 7.0-BETA2 FreeBSD 7.0-BETA2 #7: Fri Nov 9 13:16:53 CET 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL i386

I used the GENERIC configuration with the only difference that I added `device atapicam' for kbd.

Also, I'm not sure whether I should enable SMP for my CPU, which is Intel(R) Celeron(R) D 3.20GHz.

Thanks in advance.

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