
I've recently found a patch (also available at http://antigreen.org/vadim/freebsd/ipfwpcap/) made by me and my friend in January to ipfwpcap(8) introduced in 7.0. Now it have more features, some of which were already present in pflogd(8) counterpart. Patched version were tested in about to 200 parallel processes, on both 5.5 and 6.2 for half a year, without any bugs.

If possible, could it be committed to ongoing 7.0-RELEASE ? It would be nice to not break POLA after release is being stable and widely available (some option meaning were changed (to be more consistent with pflogd and overall FreeBSD-ish, though), but I forgot to post it earlier, before 7.0-STABLE fork, sorry). Please.

List of changes:

1. Program now daemonizes itself by defaul, and -d option not only enables debug, but cancels daemonizing too. 2. Log is now re-opened on SIGHUP; if log pathname was not absolute, will not do chdir("/") after daemonizing. 3. Log is now flushed on SIGALRM, new option -i can be used to specify flush interval (using alarm(3)), default is 60 seconds. 4. Added option -z, which resets log-limiting counters to zero on each log re-open. 5. Added pid-file checking - if exists, check if process with it's value still exists (ignore signal 0 ourselves), if not, rewrite stale pid-file and begin working. 6. Signal handlers now do only variable setting, all work is done in main loop, changed from for(;;) to while(!quit). 7. Minor changes - less global variables, changed strcpy() -> strlcpy(), added some macros, less output from usage (as we now have manpage), most exit codes changed from custom ones to sysexits(3). 8. More style(9), and new features are documented in man page, some old statements in man were made more detailed.

WBR, Vadim Goncharov

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