Miroslav Lachman wrote:
 > It is nice idea, but I think you should have a better scripting style ;)

Yes, it almost looked like perl.  :-)
May I suggest a few further improvements?

 > login_shell="/bin/tcsh"

I certainly wouldn't want tcsh.  How about looking at
$SHELL, and if it doesn't exist, then fall back to the
standard shell (which is /bin/sh).

Also, the last command (jexec) should be preceded by
"exec" so the shell doesn't hang around.  So the last
part of the script would look like this:

    jail_path=$(jls | awk '$1=='$jail_id' {print $4}')

    if [ -z "$SHELL" -o ! -x "$jail_path/$SHELL" ]; then

    echo "Logging in to $jail_hostname"
    exec jexec $jail_id $login_shell

Best regards

PS:  By the way, here's another useful script that displays
processes running in jails, ordered by jail IDs:


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
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