Vivek Khera wrote:

On Jan 2, 2008, at 12:45 PM, Ed Maste wrote:

I'm not aware of any reason to avoid Adaptec RAID cards specifically on
amd64 now; there were a number of problems in the past but they should
be addressed now.

My main concern is that there is no *reliable* way to monitor the status of an Adaptec RAID system on FreeBSD/amd64.

arcconf seems to be reliable (and a native amd64 binary), except for the aforementioned hanging-on-exit issue with -RC1. On -BETA4 it's fine. Google for "check_icp" if you need a Nagios plugin written around arcconf (it needs only minor edits to work on /bin/sh instead of bash).

It's looking like aaccli is a lost cause though, yes.

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