On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 06:23:18PM +0000, Tom Evans wrote:
>I've encountered a strange bug deploying one of our C++ applications on
>amd64. We tend to build most of our applications on i386, even if the
>deployment box is amd64, as we aren't 100% sure that our code is 64 bit
>clean yet. The boxes in question both run 6.2-RELEASE, at various kernel
>release patchsets:
>With an i386 binary running on an amd64 host, when we write a small
>double, with value close to 0.1, to a C++ iostream, it is formatted

See kern/102424 and amd64/112222.

Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.

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