2008/6/12 fbsd2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Greetings list,
>   Given recent EOL announcements, I'm trying to upgrade an ancient machine 
> from 5.5 to 7. It has 80 Mb total in the root partition, /home/, /var/, 
> /usr/, and /tmp/ on other partitions, and NFS mounts /usr/src, /usr/obj, and 
> /usr/ports from a slightly newer/faster box.  I've seen
> http://www.freebsd.org/releases/7.0R/relnotes.html   and
> http://marc.info/?l=freebsd-stable&m=121278826119286&w=2
> which seem to suggest that even with INSTALL_NODEBUG during buildkernel, 7 
> might not fit in an 80 Mb /.  Must I partition a new disk to give more space 
> to /, or can I find more space by deleting /stand/, /modules/, and possibly 
> /rescue/ to shoehorn a custom 7.x kernel in the available space?  TIA

If you know you do not need the modules, by all means, to do away with them
is space back to you.

If you are building from source, you can use the:
variable in /etc/make.conf

When you are at the
# make installworld
stage you can likely delete /stand (I believe it is not used on >=6.x)

(Though I am not sitting at the machine now) I believe that / on my 7.x box is
about 46M.

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