On 2015-Dec-28, at 3:33 AM, Mark Millard <mar...@dsl-only.net> wrote:

> [I have both dropped a bunch of older history and started a new break.]
> The clang++ Bus Errors are a compiler implementation defect(!), as shown 
> below. (Presumes they want clang++ to work in contexts where alignment is 
> required.) In summary:
> The clang++ source code presumes that there are no alignment criteria to be 
> met for TemplateArgument instances from the "arg buffer" for any 
> DependentTemplateSpecializationType instance.
> The details. . .
> I finally have a 11-line example source file (no includes) that crashes 
> clang++ on the rpi2. (The example is a partial item from libc++'s <memory>.)
>> # more main.cc
>> template <class _Tp, class _Up>
>> struct __has_rebind
>> {
>>    template <class _Xp> static char __test(typename _Xp::template 
>> rebind<_Up>* = 0);
>> };
>> int
>> main ()
>> {
>> return 0;
>> }
> The backtrace in clang++ looks like:
>> Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error.
>> #0  0x00c404d0 in 
>> clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationType::DependentTemplateSpecializationType
>>  ()
>> [New Thread 22a18000 (LWP 100182/<unknown>)]
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0  0x00c404d0 in 
>> clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationType::DependentTemplateSpecializationType
>>  ()
>> #1  0x00d86634 in clang::ASTContext::getDependentTemplateSpecializationType 
>> ()
>> #2  0x00d865d8 in clang::ASTContext::getDependentTemplateSpecializationType 
>> ()
>> #3  0x00d862d4 in clang::ASTContext::getDependentTemplateSpecializationType 
>> ()
>> #4  0x00553b7c in clang::Sema::ActOnTypenameType ()
>> #5  0x0040cb68 in clang::Parser::TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken ()
>> #6  0x00471198 in $a.28 ()
>> #7  0x00471198 in $a.28 ()
>> (gdb) x/1i 0x00c404d0
>> 0xc404d0 
>> <_ZN5clang35DependentTemplateSpecializationTypeC2ENS_21ElaboratedTypeKeywordEPNS_19NestedNameSpecifierEPKNS_14IdentifierInfoEjPKNS_16TemplateArgumentENS_8QualTypeE+356>:
>>    vst1.64   {d16-d17}, [r4]!
>> (gdb) info all-registers
>> r0             0xbfbf9778    -1077962888
>> r1             0x22ac59c4    581720516
>> r2             0xc45ff8      12869624
>> r3             0x2   2
>> r4             0x22ac59ac    581720492
> . . .
> The code involved is from lib/AST/Type.cpp :
>> DependentTemplateSpecializationType::DependentTemplateSpecializationType(
>>                         ElaboratedTypeKeyword Keyword,
>>                         NestedNameSpecifier *NNS, const IdentifierInfo *Name,
>>                         unsigned NumArgs, const TemplateArgument *Args,
>>                         QualType Canon)
>>  : TypeWithKeyword(Keyword, DependentTemplateSpecialization, Canon, true, 
>> true,
>>                    /*VariablyModified=*/false,
>>                    NNS && NNS->containsUnexpandedParameterPack()),
>>    NNS(NNS), Name(Name), NumArgs(NumArgs) {
>>  assert((!NNS || NNS->isDependent()) &&
>>         "DependentTemplateSpecializatonType requires dependent qualifier");
>>  for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumArgs; ++I) {
>>    if (Args[I].containsUnexpandedParameterPack())
>>      setContainsUnexpandedParameterPack();
>>    new (&getArgBuffer()[I]) TemplateArgument(Args[I]);
>>  }
>> }
> The failing code is for the "placement new" in the loop:
> A) &getArgBuffer()[I] is not always an address for which the vst1.64 
> instruction gets an aligned address.
> but. . .
> B) TemplateArgument(Args[I])'s copy construction activity has code (such as 
> the vst1.64) requiring a specific alignment when SCTLR bit[1]==1.
> C) Nothing here has any explicitly packed data structures.
> As for (A):
>> class DependentTemplateSpecializationType :
>>  public TypeWithKeyword, public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
>> . . .
>>  const TemplateArgument *getArgBuffer() const {
>>    return reinterpret_cast<const TemplateArgument*>(this+1);
>>  }
>>  TemplateArgument *getArgBuffer() {
>>    return reinterpret_cast<TemplateArgument*>(this+1);
>>  }
> clang++ is over-allocating the space for the 
> DependentTemplateSpecializationType objects and using the extra space that is 
> afterwards to hold (a somewhat C-style array of) TemplateArgument instances. 
> But the logic for this does nothing explicit about alignment of the 
> TemplateArgument instance pointers, not even partially via explicitly 
> controlling sizeof(DependentTemplateSpecializationType).
> This code does not explicitly force any specific minimum TemplateArgument 
> alignment, other than 1.
> Separately there is the issue that the code produced did not treat the 
> pointers returned from getArgBuffer() methods as "opaque pointer" examples 
> but they are. Having compiled with -fmax-type-align=4 the code should have 
> not have required 8 byte alignment (vst1.64). It should have produced code 
> that required 4 (or 2 or 1). Quoting for -fmax-type-align=?:
>> Instruct the code generator to not enforce a higher alignment than the given 
>> number (of bytes) when accessing memory via an opaque pointer or reference
> Those pointers certainly are opaque and should be treated as such. The 
> "reinterpret_cast" use is a big clue that clang++ should respect.
> In other words: I see two clang++ defects in the overall evidence, one of 
> which directly leads to the Bus Errors being possible.
> The script of the buildworld/buildkernel shows that -fmax-type-align=4 
> -mno-unaligned-access were both used to compile the Type.cpp source file:
>> --- Type.o ---
>> /usr/bin/clang++ -target armv6--freebsd11.0-gnueabi -march=armv7a 
>> -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access -target armv6-gnueabi-freebsd11.0 
>> --sysroot=/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/tmp -B/usr/local
>> /arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ --sysroot=/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/tmp 
>> -B/usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/  -O -pipe -mfloat-abi=softfp 
>> -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libclangast/../../../contrib/llvm/inclu
>> de 
>> -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libclangast/../../../contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include 
>> -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libclangast/../../../contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/AST 
>> -I. -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libclangast/../../../c
>> ontrib/llvm/../../lib/clang/include -DLLVM_ON_UNIX -DLLVM_ON_FREEBSD 
>> ULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=\"armv6-gnueabi-freebsd11.0\" 
>> -DLLVM_HOST_TRIPLE=\"armv6-unknown-freebsd11.0\" -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT=\"\" -MD 
>> -MP -MF.depend.Type.o -MTType.o -Qunused-arguments  -std=c++11 -fno-exceptio
>> ns -fno-rtti -stdlib=libc++ -Wno-c++11-extensions -c 
>> /usr/src/lib/clang/libclangast/../../../contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/AST/Type.cpp
>>  -o Type.o
> clang++ may well have other examples of such things in other classes. I have 
> not looked.

I should have mentioned that sizeof(TemplateArgument) also needs to be 
controlled in order to have the notation &getArgBuffer()[I] maintain alignment 
in its results when &getArgBuffer()[0] is well aligned. The earlier material 
focused on just &getArgBuffer()[0] in how it was presented.

Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

On 2015-Dec-28, at 12:01 AM, Mark Millard <mar...@dsl-only.net> wrote:
> On 2015-Dec-26, at 8:45 AM, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, it sounds like I fixed a bug, but there’s more.
>> What were the specific port so I can test it here?
>> And to be clear, this is a buildworld on the RPi 2 using the cross-built 
>> world with CPUTYPE=armv7a or some such, right?
>> Warner
>>> On Dec 25, 2015, at 9:32 PM, Mark Millard <mar...@dsl-only.net> wrote:
>>> [I am again breaking off another section of older material.]
>>> Mixed news I'm afraid.
>>> The specific couple of ports that I attempted did build, the same ones that 
>>> originally got the Bus Error in ar using (indirectly) _fseeko and memset 
>>> that I reported. So I expect that you fixed one error.
>>> But when I tried to buildworld, clang++ 3.7 processing 
>>> usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmtablegen/ materials quickly got a Bus Error at 
>>> nearly the same type of instruction (it has a "!" below that the earlier 
>>> one did not), but with r4 holding the misaligned address this time:
>>>> --- _bootstrap-tools-lib/clang/libllvmsupport ---
>>>> --- APFloat.o ---
>>>> clang++: error: unable to execute command: Bus error (core dumped)
>>>> . . .
>>>> # gdb clang++ usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmtablegen/clang++.core
>>>> . . .
>>>> Core was generated by `clang++'.
>>>> Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error.
>>>> #0  0x00c3bb9c in 
>>>> clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationType::DependentTemplateSpecializationType
>>>>  ()
>>>> [New Thread 22a18000 (LWP 100128/<unknown>)]
>>>> (gdb) x/40i 0x00c3bb60
>>>> . . .
>>>> 0xc3bb9c 
>>>> <_ZN5clang35DependentTemplateSpecializationTypeC2ENS_21ElaboratedTypeKeywordEPNS_19NestedNameSpecifierEPKNS_14IdentifierInfoEjPKNS_16TemplateArgumentENS_8QualTypeE+356>:
>>>> vst1.64    {d16-d17}, [r4]!
>>>> . . .
>>>> (gdb) info all-registers
>>>> r0             0xbfbf81a8  -1077968472
>>>> r1             0x22f07e14  586186260
>>>> r2             0xc416bc    12850876
>>>> r3             0x2 2
>>>> r4             0x22f07dfc  586186236
>>>> . . .
>>> Thus it appears that there is more code around that likely generates 
>>> pointers not aligned so to allow the code generation that is in use for 
>>> what is pointed to.
>>> At this point I have no clue if the issue is just inside clang itself vs. 
>>> if it is in something that clang is layered on top of. Nor if there is just 
>>> one bad thing or many.
>>> Note: I had not yet tried buildworld/buildkernel for the context of the 
>>> "-f" option that I was experimenting with earlier. So I do not have a 
>>> direct compare and contrast at this point.
> Somehow I did not notice your E-mail at the time. Meanwhile I've more 
> evidence. . .
> [Initial context for notes: Before updating to 11.0-CURRENT -r292756 and its 
> clang/clang++ 3.7.1.]
> Example c++ program that clang++ got an internal Bus Error for:
>> # more main.cc
>> #include <iostream>
>> int
>> main ()
>> {
>> std::ostream *o; return 0;
>> }
> Of course the include makes the source being processed non-trivial.
> Going in a different direction. . . dmesg -a | grep "core dumped" on the rpi2 
> showed:
>> pid 22238 (msgfmt), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
>> pid 22250 (xgettext), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
>> pid 22259 (msgmerge), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
>> pid 26149 (msgfmt), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
>> pid 26161 (xgettext), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
>> pid 26170 (msgmerge), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
>> pid 28826 (c++), uid 0: exited on signal 10 (core dumped)
>> pid 29202 (c++), uid 0: exited on signal 10 (core dumped)
>> pid 29282 (c++), uid 0: exited on signal 10 (core dumped)
>> pid 29292 (clang++), uid 0: exited on signal 10 (core dumped)
> Only the c++/clang++ contexts (same but for name) seemed to be leaving .core 
> files behind.
> The older log files also showed examples like the following from ports 
> building activity:
>> /var/log/dmesg.today:pid 18763 (conftest), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core 
>> dumped)
>> /var/log/dmesg.today:pid 18916 (conftest), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core 
>> dumped)
> (The original ar that I started with showed as well, the records went back 
> that far at the time.)
> [New -r292756 context. . .]
> After the above I updated to:
>> $ freebsd-version -ku; uname -aKU
>> 11.0-CURRENT
>> 11.0-CURRENT
>> FreeBSD rpi2 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #4 r292756M: Sun Dec 27 
>> 02:55:57 PST 2015     
>> root@FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/RPI2-NODBG  arm 1100092 
>> 1100092
> in order to pick up clang 3.7.1. I used -fmax-type-align=4 
> -mno-unaligned-access in the src.conf file for the buildworld buildkernel 
> amd64->rpi2 cross build before installing both parts on the rpi2 media.
> On the rpi2 itself the resulting c++/clang++ still gets Bus Error during 
> buildworld despite the use of -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-acces in the 
> amd64 hosted cross build (and in the rpi2 attempted rebuild). An example 
> crash report is:
>> /usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin -march=armv7a 
>> -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access  -O -pipe -mfloat-abi=softfp 
>> -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmsupport/../../../contrib/llvm/include 
>> -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmsupport/../../../contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include
>>  -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmsupport/../../../contrib/llvm/lib/Support -I. 
>> -I/usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmsupport/../../../contrib/llvm/../../lib/clang/include
>> -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -fno-strict-aliasing 
>> -DLLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE=\"armv6-gnueabi-freebsd11.0\" 
>> -DLLVM_HOST_TRIPLE=\"armv6-unknown-freebsd11.0\" -DDEFAULT_SYSROOT=\"\" -MD 
>> -MP -MF.depend.APFloat.o -MTAPFloat.o -Qunused-arguments 
>> -I/usr/obj/clang/arm.armv6/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include  -std=c++11 
>> -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -stdlib=libc++ -Wno-c++11-extensions  -c 
>> /usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmsupport/../../../contrib/llvm/lib/Support/APFloat.cpp
>>  -o APFloat.o
>> clang++: error: unable to execute command: Bus error (core dumped)
>> clang++: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal (use -v to see 
>> invocation)
>> FreeBSD clang version 3.7.1 (tags/RELEASE_371/final 255217) 20151225
>> Target: armv6--freebsd11.0-gnueabi
>> Thread model: posix
>> clang++: note: diagnostic msg: PLEASE submit a bug report to 
>> https://bugs.freebsd.org/submit/ and include the crash backtrace, 
>> preprocessed source, and associated run script.
>> clang++: note: diagnostic msg: 
>> ********************
>> Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
>> clang++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/APFloat-04544c.cpp
>> clang++: note: diagnostic msg: /tmp/APFloat-04544c.sh
>> clang++: note: diagnostic msg: 
>> ********************
>> *** Error code 254
>> Stop.
>> make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/lib/clang/libllvmsupport
>> *** Error code 1
> An earlier -j 6 buildworld had failures for ARMBuildAttrs, APSInt, APInt, and 
> Error before stopping, in addition to the APFloat indicated above (no -j 
> makes for easier reading above):
>> # ls -lt /tmp
>> total 41516
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     4057 Dec 28 03:05 APFloat-04544c.sh
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2155452 Dec 28 03:05 APFloat-04544c.cpp
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     4081 Dec 28 02:53 ARMBuildAttrs-432569.sh
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1276912 Dec 28 02:53 ARMBuildAttrs-432569.cpp
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     3997 Dec 28 02:53 APSInt-a2927e.sh
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1943445 Dec 28 02:53 APSInt-a2927e.cpp
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     3985 Dec 28 02:53 APInt-d0389a.sh
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2115595 Dec 28 02:53 APInt-d0389a.cpp
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     4009 Dec 28 02:53 APFloat-33be1b.sh
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2155452 Dec 28 02:53 APFloat-33be1b.cpp
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     4001 Dec 28 02:53 Error-777068.sh
>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1925065 Dec 28 02:53 Error-777068.cpp
> The earlier "iostream" program example also still gets its Bus Error during 
> its clang++ based compilation in this new -r292756 context.
> The above -r292756 material avoids involving ports software with its own set 
> of additional questions, compilers, tools, etc.: it sticks to 
> buildworld/buildkernel material (and never gets to buildkernel).
> When I tried -j 5 buildkernel by itself on the rpi2 there were no Bus Errors, 
> no Segmentation Faults, and no core dumps. The buildkernel took about 51 
> minutes. (I've not tried installing what it built.)
> (I have a SSD on a USB hub in use for world/root on the rpi2. The /etc/fstab 
> on the micro-SD lists / as mounting from the SSD instead. I installkernel and 
> installworld via the amd64 context to both the micro-SD and the SSD so that 
> they track. I can boot from just the micro-SD if I want to but normally 
> involve the SSD.)
> Another kind of experiment would be to omit -fmax-type-align=4 but use 
> -mno-unaligned-access (for handling any packed data structures) and see if 
> buildkernel can still finish on the rpi2 (if enough of the amd64->rpi2 
> buildworld still operates on the rpi2 to allow the test).
> A potential experiment for buildworld would be to use -fmax-type-align=1 with 
> -mno-unaligned-access as the amd64->rpi2 cross build context. A misalignment 
> Bus Error from that context might well be a clang++ code generation error of 
> not paying attention to the alignment rules where clang++ should.
> A potentially interesting (but independent) set of warnings during the 
> buildkernel was:
>> WARNING: hwpmc_mod.c: enum pmc_event has too many values: 2588 > 1023
>> WARNING: hwpmc_logging.c: enum pmc_event has too many values: 2588 > 1023
>> WARNING: hwpmc_soft.c: enum pmc_event has too many values: 2588 > 1023
>> WARNING: hwpmc_arm.c: enum pmc_event has too many values: 2588 > 1023
> (I've not investigated.)
> Before this -r292756 update the following ports seemed to have built without 
> generating core dumps or Bus Error reports or other such in the process:
> devel/gettext-tools
> devel/gmake-lite
> devel/p5-Locale-gettext
> lang/perl5.22
> security/sudo
> Note that I did not use make.conf to force -f. . . and -m. . . for these. But 
> the test was if they could build, not if they operated correctly when built.
> My guess is that they are primarily C instead of C++ and/or happen to avoid 
> the parts of C++ where clang++ is having internal data structure alignment 
> problems vs. SCTLR bit[1]==1.
> Generally the pkg installs on the rpi2 seemed to have been operating okay. 
> But they do nto test compiling/linking with the system clang/clang++ involved.
> In general building ports can have other issues that block completion so I 
> had not tried much in that direction and happened to pick on a few things 
> that worked (see above). Getting through a self-hosting rpi2 buildworld 
> buildkernel first likely is a better path before involving ports.
> But my way of working has involved using devel/arm-gnueabi-binutils , which 
> seemed to build and work fine.
> One thing of note from all my rpi2 builds: I've learned to avoid doing a 
> "svnlite status /usr/src/" and similar commands. Fairly frequently they do 
> not complete and each existing ssh connection to the rpi2 quits responding 
> once some new program is attempted from the connection. The same for directly 
> at the rpi2 (via USB devices).
> Unfortunately /var/log/messages only shows the following boot, no messages 
> from the hang-up context. I'd guess that USB (and other such?) communication 
> stopped operating.
> The src.conf for on the rpi2 has (the amd64->rpi2 cross compile was very 
> similar but the amd64-host-targets-self clang/clang++ commands do not need 
> the -f. . . and -m. . . ):
>> TO_TYPE=armv6
>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE=arm-gnueabi
>> #
>> TARGET=arm
>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0
>> .export TARGET_ARCH
>> .endif
>> #
>> #
>> # For WITH_BOOT= . . . (amd64 cross compile context)
>> # arm-gnueabi-freebsd/bin/ld reports bootinfo.o: relocation 
>> R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a 
>> shared object; recompile with -fPIC 
>> #
>> #
>> #
>> #
>> #
>> # TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related bintutils...
>> #
>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/
>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0
>> XCC=/usr/bin/clang -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi -march=armv7a 
>> -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access
>> XCXX=/usr/bin/clang++ -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi -march=armv7a 
>> -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access
>> XCPP=/usr/bin/clang-cpp -target ${TO_TYPE}--freebsd11.0-gnueabi 
>> -march=armv7a -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access
>> .export XCC
>> .export XCXX
>> .export XCPP
>> XAS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as
>> XAR=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar
>> XLD=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld
>> XNM=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm
>> XOBJCOPY=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy
>> XOBJDUMP=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump
>> XRANLIB=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib
>> XSIZE=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size
>> #NO-SUCH: XSTRINGS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings
>> XSTRINGS=/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings
>> .export XAS
>> .export XAR
>> .export XLD
>> .export XNM
>> .export XOBJCOPY
>> .export XOBJDUMP
>> .export XRANLIB
>> .export XSIZE
>> .export XSTRINGS
>> .endif
>> #
>> # From clang (via system)...
>> #
>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0
>> CC=/usr/bin/clang -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin -march=armv7a 
>> -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access
>> CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin 
>> -march=armv7a -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access
>> CPP=/usr/bin/clang-cpp -B/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin 
>> -march=armv7a -fmax-type-align=4 -mno-unaligned-access
>> .export CC
>> .export CXX
>> .export CPP
>> .endif
>> #
>> #
>> # TOOLS_FROM_TYPE binutils from xtoolchain like context...
>> #
>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0
>> AS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as
>> AR=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar
>> LD=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld
>> NM=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm
>> OBJCOPY=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy
>> OBJDUMP=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump
>> RANLIB=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib
>> SIZE=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size
>> #NO-SUCH: STRINGS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings
>> STRINGS=/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-freebsd-strings
>> .export AS
>> .export AR
>> .export LD
>> .export NM
>> .export OBJCOPY
>> .export OBJDUMP
>> .export RANLIB
>> .export SIZE
>> .export STRINGS
>> .endif
> This technique does require devel/arm-gnueabi-binutils to have been built and 
> operating okay on amd64 and later on the rpi2. So far I've no hints of any 
> problems in that area.
> The RPI2-NODBG config is shown below:
>> # more /usr/src/sys/arm/conf/RPI2-NODBG 
>> ident           RPI2-NODBG
>> include         "RPI2"
>> makeoptions     DEBUG=-g                # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug 
>> symbols
>> options         ALT_BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER
>> #options        VERBOSE_SYSINIT         # Enable verbose sysinit messages
>> options         KDB                     # Enable kernel debugger support
>> # For minimum debugger support (stable branch) use:
>> #options        KDB_TRACE               # Print a stack trace for a panic
>> options         DDB                     # Enable the kernel debugger
>> nooptions       INVARIANTS              # Enable calls of extra sanity 
>> checking
>> nooptions       INVARIANT_SUPPORT       # Extra sanity checks of internal 
>> structures, required by INVARIANTS
>> nooptions       WITNESS                 # Enable checks to detect deadlocks 
>> and cycles
>> nooptions       WITNESS_SKIPSPIN        # Don't run witness on spinlocks for 
>> speed
>> nooptions       DIAGNOSTIC
> Most of my /usr/src/ tailoring is tied to powerpc and powerpc64 issues:
>> # svnlite status /usr/src/
>> ?       /usr/src/.snap
>> M       /usr/src/contrib/libcxxrt/guard.cc
>> M       /usr/src/lib/csu/powerpc64/Makefile
>> M       /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/findfp.c
>> ?       /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/findfp.c.orig
>> ?       /usr/src/restoresymtable
>> ?       /usr/src/sys/arm/conf/RPI2-NODBG
>> M       /usr/src/sys/boot/ofw/Makefile.inc
>> M       /usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile.inc
>> M       /usr/src/sys/boot/uboot/Makefile.inc
>> ?       /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64vtsc
>> ?       /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64vtsc-NODEBUG
>> ?       /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERICvtsc
>> ?       /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERICvtsc-NODEBUG
>> M       /usr/src/sys/powerpc/ofw/ofw_machdep.c
> lib/libc/stdio/findfp.c has the patch I was asked to test.
> contrib/libcxxrt/guard.cc is to avoid bad C++ source code (use of 
> C11-specific notation in C++ that is reported syntax errors in 
> powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc/powerpc64-gcc compilation contexts):
>> # svnlite diff /usr/src/contrib/libcxxrt/guard.cc
>> Index: /usr/src/contrib/libcxxrt/guard.cc
>> ===================================================================
>> --- /usr/src/contrib/libcxxrt/guard.cc       (revision 292756)
>> +++ /usr/src/contrib/libcxxrt/guard.cc       (working copy)
>> @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
>>      uint32_t init_half;
>>      uint32_t lock_half;
>> } guard_t;
>> -_Static_assert(sizeof(guard_t) == sizeof(uint64_t), "");
>> +//_Static_assert(sizeof(guard_t) == sizeof(uint64_t), "");
>> static const uint32_t LOCKED = 1;
>> static const uint32_t INITIALISED = static_cast<guard_lock_t>(1) << 24;
>> #    endif
> The sys/boot/. . . examples are just use of -Wl, notation in LDFLAGS where 
> the original notation was rejected, such as:
>> # svnlite diff /usr/src/sys/boot/uboot/Makefile.inc
>> Index: /usr/src/sys/boot/uboot/Makefile.inc
>> ===================================================================
>> --- /usr/src/sys/boot/uboot/Makefile.inc     (revision 292756)
>> +++ /usr/src/sys/boot/uboot/Makefile.inc     (working copy)
>> @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
>> .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc64"
>> CFLAGS+=     -m32 -mcpu=powerpc
>> -LDFLAGS+=   -m elf32ppc_fbsd
>> +LDFLAGS+=   -Wl,-m -Wl,elf32ppc_fbsd
>> .endif
>> .include "../Makefile.inc"
> All 3 are powerpc64 specific changes.
> ===
Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

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