easy fix.  just drop the _np

the functions are there under legacy naming.

Alexander Leidinger wrote:

I try to port a linux userland USB program and I get the following error message when trying to link to libusb (current as of r210105):
cc -lusb -lm -o fowsr  fowsr.o
fowsr.o(.text+0x1546): In function `CUSB_Open':
: undefined reference to `usb_get_driver_np'
fowsr.o(.text+0x1710): In function `CUSB_Open':
: undefined reference to `usb_detach_kernel_driver_np'
gmake: *** [fowsr] Fehler 1

Do I need those functions on FreeBSD (the device may show up as a HID device, I hadn't a chance to attach it to a FreeBSD box yet), or can I just remove them (I could make sure the HID driver is not loaded in the kernel)?

Here is the related source:
        devh = usb_open(dev);

        signal(SIGTERM, release_usb_device);

        ret = usb_get_driver_np(devh, 0, buf, sizeof(buf));
        printf("usb_get_driver_np returned %d\n", ret);
        if (ret == 0) {
printf("interface 0 already claimed by driver \\'%s\\', attempting to detach it\n", buf);
                ret = usb_detach_kernel_driver_np(devh, 0);
                printf("usb_detach_kernel_driver_np returned %d\n", ret);
        ret = usb_claim_interface(devh, 0);
        if (ret != 0) {
                printf("claim failed with error %d\n", ret);

        ret = usb_set_altinterface(devh, 0);


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