
Further testing shows the following:
- VirtualBox shows the error if the host machine is running a 64-bit os 
(FreeBSD, Xubuntu)
- if the host machine is running a 32-bit os (FreeBSD, Xubuntu) doesn't give 
any error
- on a Xubuntu 32-bit host, and using the win98se vm, the label printer works
- on a FreeBSD 32-bit host, and using the win98se vm, the printer doesn't work 
(win98se gives an error)

This might be because the usb stack on FreeBSD in't capable of handling this 
(non-compliant) device fully, or it might be because of
some differences in VirtualBox between FreeBSD and Linux. I don't know.

More details here:
FreeBSD testing: http://sites.google.com/site/tingox/lm_pc_freebsd
Xubuntu testing: http://sites.google.com/site/tingox/lm_pc_linux

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