Note that this only occurs in console mode. Moused is not enabled.
When using moused (/etc/rc.conf) with X11/xorg, there were still serious
mouse disconnection issues. Using no moused and configuring X11/xorg to
use "/dev/usm0" only as its "pointer device", appears to have cleared up
the previously noted X11/xorg mouse disconnection problem, but the
console disconnects still occur for USB mouse or USB keyboard.

On 12/25/12 00:20, wrote:
> Thank you very much for your problem report.
> It has the internal identification `usb/174695'.
> The individual assigned to look at your
> report is: freebsd-usb. 
> You can access the state of your problem report at any time
> via this link:
>> Category:       usb
>> Responsible:    freebsd-usb
>> Synopsis:       usb keeps disconnecting mouse or keyboard
>> Arrival-Date:   Tue Dec 25 06:20:00 UTC 2012

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