On Wednesday 26 December 2012 18:01:52 Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:
> On 26.12.2012 01:22, G. Paul Ziemba wrote:
> > I'm running FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE (host) and VirtualBox 4.2.0.
> > 
> > I have followed the steps in http://wiki.freebsd.org/VirtualBox
> > to make USB devices available to VirtualBox guests, and that works
> > (e.g., a Win2K guest can use a USB scanner I have attached to the
> > host's USB interface).
> > 
> > I'm planning another guest running FreeBSD (probably 9.X) and I'd
> > like to have a USB wifi dongle (probably a run(4) device) that is
> > visible to the guest as a network interface, but that is not visible
> > to the host.
> > 
> > I think this can be accomplished by preventing the run(4) driver on the
> > host from seizing the usb device, and then configuring VirtualBox to
> > let that USB device be visible to the guest.
> > 
> > I think I can prevent the host's usb driver from loading by
> > editing (or overriding?) the matching entry in /etc/devd/usb.conf
> > which would prevent the run(4) module from loading, but that's
> > kind of a big hammer.
> > 
> > Has anyone else solved a similar problem? Is there a finer-grained
> > approach?
> +freebsd-usb@, +hselasky@
> Hi,
> I also find it uncomfortable. In general, automatic kldload of needed
> kernel module when new device plugged in is useful feature for desktop.
> But it will be more useful if we could disable it without hacking
> configs in the /etc/devd/ every time when we updating the system.


There is currently no simple way to prevent a driver from loading, except 

rm /boot/kernel/if_run.ko

and make sure you don't have "device if_run" in the kernel config file.

It might also work to set the UQ_CFG_INDEX_1 quirk on the device.

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