
I had a bug driving me crazy and I finally discovered something weird that
was the reason.

I have a pair of AR glasses from Vuzix which have a
gyro/accelerometer/compass which I read from USB using usb_interrupt_read
(reading 42 bytes of data).

On my laptop I have two USB 2 and one USB 3 port.

>From the USB 2 port things behave normally and reading takes a millisecond
or so.

>From the USB 3 port things get weird and the call to usb_interrupt_read
takes over 20 milliseconds. I have been running this device on the same
laptop for some time and haven't noticed this behavior before.

Can it be something that has been introduced recently or perhaps only my
system is behaving weird?...

# uname -a
FreeBSD PC 10.0-BETA1 FreeBSD 10.0-BETA1 #0: Sun Dec  8 16:15:23 JST
2013     root@PC:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Best regards
Johannes Lundberg

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