On 11/26/20 3:20 PM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

Try running webcamd in the foreground, and see if there are any errors output there aswell. Like request for firmware.

I now have webcamd running for both webcams in the foreground, no errors, almost the same output except the video device numbers:

$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/webcamd -i 0 -d ugen0.2 -U webcamd -G webcamd
webcamd 61415 - - Attached to ugen0.2[0]
webcamd 61415 - - Creating /dev/video0
webcamd 61415 - - Creating /dev/video1

$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/webcamd -i 0 -d ugen0.3 -U webcamd -G webcamd
webcamd 73317 - - Attached to ugen0.3[0]
webcamd 73317 - - Creating /dev/video2
webcamd 73317 - - Creating /dev/video3

No further output when taking a snapshot with the working /dev/video0 or when trying to take a snapshot with the not working /dev/video2.

I tried swapping the webcams around, the error is always with the second webcam connected (so video2), regardless of which webcam it is.

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