Cloning images and growing them.

We have a 'standard install' image called, 'ubuntu14-clone-me.img'.
To copy, enlarge, and then grow the guest image size, we use the process below. Let's take an Ubuntu image (ubuntu14-clone-me.img), clone it, grow the system, then log into the Ubuntu guest (vm12) and resize the / partition (all our guests are single partition).

In FreeBSD:
 FreeBSD# gcp --sparse=always ubuntu14-clone-me.img vm12.img
 FreeBSD# truncate -s 300g vm12.img

Launch guest with bhyve, get on console, and use these commands:
 Guest-VM# swapoff -a
 Guest-VM# fdisk /dev/vda
        hit 'p' to print existing table
        delete all the paritions
        recreate partition '1' with same stating block noted in the 'print'
        make end block near end but with enough room for your swap
        create an extended parition '5' and put the rest in there for
        guest swap

 Guest-VM# reboot
 Guest-VM# resize2fs /dev/vda1


Pro tip: research sparse files, install gcp (pkg install coreutils).

Rudy Local ISP
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