On 26-10-2014 0:48, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
> Hoi
> I tried the version on the libvirt.org/bhyve page.
> But that returns:
> freetest# virsh -c "bhyve:///system"  domxml-to-native \\
>       --format bhyve-argv --xml /root/libvirt-example.xml
> error: unsupported configuration: unsupported disk device
> So I was wondering if somebody would like to share his working example?

After building libvirt 1.2.10

I was able to load this XML:
/usr/sbin/bhyveload -m 214 -d /home/bhyve/FreeBSD/freebsd-head.disk bhyveCD
/usr/sbin/bhyve -c 1 -m 214 -A -I -H -P -s 0:0,hostbridge -s
2:0,virtio-net,tap0,mac=52:54:00:63:43:69 -s
3:0,virtio-blk,/home/bhyve/FreeBSD/freebsd-head.disk -s
4:0,ahci-cd,/home/bhyve/FreeBSD/freebsd-head.iso bhyveCD


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