just had bhyve coredump on me and was wondering if anyone else had seen
this behavior:

> uname -ar
FreeBSD pop.rubicorp.com 10.1-RC3 FreeBSD 10.1-RC3 #0 r273437: Tue Oct
21 23:55:15 UTC 2014
r...@releng1.nyi.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
> pkg info|grep grub2
grub2-bhyve-0.24               Grub-emu loader for bhyve

I was following the instructions on this page to use grub-bhyve to
install CentOS-6.5_amd64 on my 10.1-RC3 hypervisor:

The installation went through as expected.  I ran grub-bhyve w/o issues,
then executed the bhyve command and installation proceeded without
issue.  When bhyve exited I re-ran my bhyve command to start my VM
resulting in this:

> sudo /tmp/cmd.sh
Assertion failed: (error == 0), function fbsdrun_addcpu, file
/usr/src/usr.sbin/bhyve/bhyverun.c, line 266.
Abort trap (core dumped)

I have run gdb against the resulting core file, but since there are no
debug symbols in there I don't think it's useful.  Please let me know if
this is a pebkac event, or if I should file a PR.


Pete Wright
twitter => @nomadlogicLA

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