Hi Andriy,

In the grub-bhyve menu of boot entries I can press 'e' and enter a screen where
I can modify boot commands for that entry.
The screen has the following help information at the bootom:
        Minimum Emacs-like screen editing is supported.
        TAB lists completions.
        Press Ctrl-x or F10 to boot, Ctrl-c or F2 for a command-line
        or ESC to discard edits and return to the GRUB menu.

I can make any edits in that screen, but of the mentioned key presses only TAB
and ESC work as advertised.  Ctrl-x, F10, Ctrl-c, F2 are all ignored.
Is there a way to make them work?

P.S. I tried running grub-bhyve in KDE's konsole and xterm.

I've never been able to get those to work. I suspect it's that the curses terminal code hasn't been exercised a lot. I'll have a look.


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