> 在 2016年3月23日,21:20,Roger Pau Monné <roy...@freebsd.org> 写道:
>> On Fri, 18 Mar 2016, Julian Elischer wrote:
>>> On 18/03/2016 3:00 PM, huanghwh wrote:
>>> BTW, with 1G ram configuration, vi can exit very quickly.
>>> At 2016-03-18 14:26:14, "huanghwh" <huang...@163.com> wrote:
>>>> I have a EC2 server in AWS, 4CPU+16G ram, FreeBSD 10.2R.
>>>> Use two command dd and vi:
>>>> dd if=/dev/zero of=/.swap bs=1M count=8192 &
>>>> 8589934592 bytes transferred in 117.074462 secs (73371549 bytes/sec)
>>>> when dd run in background, input vi command  to edit a small txt file
>>>> "d.txt" at same time,
>>>> and then write and quit immediately:
>>>> /usr/bin/time vi d.txt
>>>> 49.82 real 0.00 user 0.00 sys
>>>> in top command show:
>>>> 810 root 1 23 0 12344K 2524K wswbuf 0 0:04 5.76% dd
>>>> 821 root 1 20 0 23448K 4092K wdrain 0 0:00 0.00% vi
>>>> vi need almost 50 seconds to quit.
>> I think some people are already looking at this.. it's not limited to AWS.
> Is there a PR or Review about this? I don't have a 16GB system at hand, 
> but it looks quite weird that it works "better" with 1GB rather than with 
> 16GB.

If you like, I can give you a server to try,  the server is at ALiYun, not AWS, 
but same problem.
> Are you using ZFS or UFS as your filesystem?

I am use UFS and ZFS

> Roger.

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