> > > > > > 
> > > > > > > uefi="yes"
> > > > > > > graphics="yes"
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Dear Colleagues,
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Can I enjoy and test all those nice "UEFI-GOP" features on a 
> > > > > > 10.3-RELEASE system, or do I have to install CURRENT for that?
> > > > > 
> > > > > AFAIK you can checkout usr.sbin/bhyve from the 11 branch and 
> > > > > compile it on 10.3.
> > > > 
> > > > I'm not sure how to compile something from a different branch 
> > > > without compiling the whole world. make what?
> > > 
> > > For bhyve it's easy. Check out the sources, go to usr.sbin/bhyve 
> > > and run
> > > 
> > > make depend; make obj; make; make install. 
> > 
> > >Unfortunately, after all my efforts, with libvmmapi and bhyve 
> > >compiled from CURRENT sources:
> > 
> > >Aug 09 12:46:52: warning; UEFI graphics is only available in 
> > >FreeBSD 11 and newer Aug 09 12:46:52: booting
> > 
> > >Bummer!
> > 
> > It's possible that you do have a bhyve system with graphics support. 
> > Unfortunately vm-bhyve isn't aimed at users who have manually merged 
> > changes, and will blindly tell anyone that isn't running 11+ that they 
> > don't have graphics support. 
> > 
> > You have a couple of options -
> > 
> > 1) Run bhyve manually rather than using vm-bhyve
> > 2) Upgrade to the 11 beta
> > 3) Modify vm-bhyve to not automatically skip graphics support if the 
> > version is less than 11
> >Aha! I've commented out the version check from vm-run, and now when 
> >trying to install, I get:
> >авг 09 17:01:05: initialising
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [loader: none]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [uefi: yes]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [cpu: 1]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [memory: 1G]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [hostbridge: standard] авг 09 17:01:05:  [com 
> >ports: com1] авг 09 17:01:05:  [uuid: 
> >093f9134-5e18-11e6-9502-5404a6b49a66]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [utctime: no]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [debug mode: no]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [primary disk: disk0.img] авг 09 17:01:05:  
> >[primary disk dev: file] авг 09 17:01:05: generated static mac 
> >58:9c:fc:03:77:3b (based on 'win:0:1470736865:0') авг 09 17:01:05: 
> >initialising network device tap5 авг 09 17:01:05: adding tap5 -> 
> >bridge1 (isolated) авг 09 17:01:05: dynamically allocated port 5900 
> >for vnc connections авг 09 17:01:05: booting авг 09 17:01:05:  [bhyve 
> >options: -c 1 -m 1G -Hwl bootrom,/d02/vm/.config/BHYVE_UEFI.fd -U 
> >093f9134-5e18-11e6-9502-5404a6b49a66]
> >авг 09 17:01:05:  [bhyve devices: -s 0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 
> >4:0,ahci-hd,/d02/vm/win/disk0.img -s 
> >5:0,virtio-net,tap5,mac=58:9c:fc:03:77:3b -s 
> >>6:0,fbuf,tcp=,wait] авг 09 17:01:05:  [bhyve console: -l 
> >com1,/dev/nmdm0A] авг 09 17:01:05:  [bhyve iso device: -s 
> >3:0,ahci-cd,/d02/vm/.iso/bhyve_win7_x64.iso]
> >авг 09 17:01:05: starting bhyve (run 1) авг 09 17:01:05: bhyve exited 
> >with status 1 авг 09 17:01:05: destroying network device tap5 авг 09 
> >17:01:05: stopped
> Looks like bhyve is exiting immediately. Easiest thing is to probably add 
> debug="yes" to  the guest config file then try and run it again. Any output 
> from the bhyve command will be written to bhyve.log (note that's a different 
> file to vm-bhyve.log).

Tried that.

root@vas:/d02/vm/win # file bhyve.log
bhyve.log: empty

root@vas:/d02/vm/win # more win.conf
root@vas:/d02/vm/win #

>I have tried replicating manually all the options vm is passing to bhyve, like 

>bhyve -c 1 -m 1G -Hwl bootrom,/d02/vm/.config/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
>        -U 093f9134-5e18-11e6-9502-5404a6b49a66 \
>>        -s 0,hostbridge -s 31,lpc -s 4:0,ahci-hd,/d02/vm/win/disk0.img \
>        -s 5:0,virtio-net,tap5,mac=58:9c:fc:03:77:3b -s 
> 6:0,fbuf,tcp=,wait \
>        -l com1,stdio \
>       -s 3:0,ahci-cd,/d02/vm/.iso/bhyve_win7_x64.iso

> But bhyve just spits out the "usage" help (that's why it exits immediately). 
> But I cannot find out what's incorrect with the options.

You just need the vm name (win) on the end:

# bhyve [options] vm-name


Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
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