On 12/05/16 17:41, Allan Jude wrote:
On 2016-12-05 05:22, Michael Braig wrote:
Dear All,

I have now setup Window Desktop OS based on 8.1 and 10, but also Windows
Server 2012 R2.

The latter correctly shows the amount of assigned CPUs. The Desktop OSs
always only show one, but also have high CPU load with especially the
Windows network service.

Did anybody experience this as well, anybody who can advise me on how
Windows will recognize the additional CPUs?

I am using an HP ML110 G7 with Xeon CPUs.

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This question has been answered before, in the last 2-3 months, if you
search the archive.

The short answer is that Windows Desktop OS only supports a single CPU
socket, optionally with many cores. The default in bhyve is to expose
each virtual CPU as a separate socket. There are a set of sysctls that
let you control this, so you can instead expose the 4 cpus as cores of a
single socket, and it will then work with Windows 8.1/10, but I don't
recall what they are off the top of my head, but they are in the archive
which you can browse here:


i've put


in /boot/loader.conf


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