
Do have plans for Suspend/Resume? 
I'm really waiting for this feature.


> On Feb 16, 2017, at 4:07 AM, Shane Ambler <free...@shaneware.biz> wrote:
> CC'ing to freebsd-virtualization as a better place to ask this.
> On 16/02/2017 05:11, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I've been searching the web for a while, but the info I got is sparse
>> (many howtos, little on the big picture) and it's not always clear what
>> is current and what is outdated.
>> I might be in need to permanently run a Windows 64b VM (with SQL server)
>> on a new FreeBSD box, so...
> Permanently as in a development environment or production?
>> What's the current status of bhyve?
>> I mean, it is it production ready (meaning no critical feature is
>> missing and I can count on this VM to behave properly nearly as much as
>> the host)?
>> Any difference between 10.3 and 11.0? (I got the idea the former will be
>> supported for longer and I'd have to upgrade my poudriere in order to
>> install the latter).
> 11.0 includes a "VNC accessible framebuffer driver" which is not in 10.x
> This will allow you to vnc into the bhyve instance during boot to
> install/repair windows.
> You will need to run poudriere on an 11 host to build 11 packages,
> while you can sometimes have success building newer systems than the
> host, building 11 packages on a 10 host does fail for many ports.
>> How well does it run Windows?
>> Would I better run W7 instead of W10 (or the other way round)?
>> What's the maximum amount of RAM I can dedicate to a VM?
>> How does it compare to VirtualBox wrt to stability and performance?
>> (I know I can find benchmarks, but, again, it's hard to tell whether
>> they can be trusted or considered current).
>> Should I use a dedicated disk (or disk mirror) for better speed?
>> Or should I use a dedicated partition on the host's disk/disk mirror?
>> Will a ZFS volume perform as good as a partition?
>> Any caveat or hint?
>> bye & Thanks
>>    av.
> -- 
> FreeBSD - the place to B...Sharing Devices
> Shane Ambler
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