Josias L. Gonçalves wrote:
> > > I get the same blank rectangle with Ubuntu (vm install mint
> > > ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso)
> > > So there must be something amiss in my setup.

> Verify if everything is installed:
> pkg install bhyve-firmware-1.0_1 bhyve-rc-3 grub2-bhyve-0.40_5
> libhyve-remote- uefi-edk2-bhyve-0.1,1 uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm-0.1,1

Well, not everything from your list. I have currently

>root@vas:~ # pkg info -a | egrep 'bhyve|uefi'
>grub2-bhyve-0.40_4             Grub-emu loader for bhyve
>uefi-edk2-bhyve-0.1,1          UEFI-EDK2 firmware for bhyve
>uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm-0.1,1      UEFI-EDK2 firmware for bhyve with CSM
>vm-bhyve-1.2.3                 Management system for bhyve virtual machines
>root@vas:~ #

>bhyve-firmware: is a metaport for uefi-edk2-bhyve and uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm, I 
>already have them both installed. But no harm installing it also.

>bhyve-rc-3: "FreeBSD RC script for starting bhyve guests in tmux" - I 
>definitely don't need it because I use vm-bhyve for VM management.

>libhyve-remote- well, maybe this one is the culprit. We shall see 
>tonight if its presence makes any difference.

As you mention all the required firmware is installed by the bhyve-firmware 
port. You do not need to install the edk2 ports.
Grub2 is not required either if you're using UEFI, although you'll need it to 
run any guests with loader="grub" and there's no harm having it around if 
you're using bhyve.
I've never heard of libhyve-remote until now. This is an additional component 
(something to do with FreeNAS by the look of it) and has nothing to do with the 
actual running of bhyve or vm-bhyve.

Personally I've never had success with the CSM firmware (other that with 
SmartOS which was following instructions from the original bhyve devs). My 
understanding is that CSM is supposed to emulate a traditional BIOS, so 
anything that would boot on a BIOS should work (or at least try to boot). 
However I usually just get a blank screen and nothing else.

I have successfully** installed Ubuntu 16.04 (via VNC) using the following 
template, which is just a basic UEFI config with virtio network/disk.


**I did have two fairly annoying issues getting 16.04 to work -

1) After installation it seemed to refuse to reboot without me removing the 
install CD, which I obviously couldn't do. I ended up powering off the system 
manually with "vm poweroff guest"

2) It then would not boot due to the fact that Ubuntu 16.04 puts the bootloader 
in a non-default location, then uses efivars to tell UEFI how to find it. 
Unfortunately the bhyve EFI firmware still does not save efivars, so any 
specific boot options set by a guest are lost on restart. I had to escape to 
the EFI shell and manually choose the EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi loader. See my 
post #11 on this forum post for more details -


Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
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