Patrick M. Hausen wrote on 2019/12/03 16:32:
Hi all,

Am 03.12.2019 um 16:27 schrieb Rodney W. Grimes <>:
I am not sure you actuall need an EFI partition in that situation, but
you may want one, and that is a missing feature of bsdinstall.

Are you possibly missing the point that Victor is talking about
FreeBSD *in* bhyve which mandates UEFI boot?

Or am I not aware that bhyve can do legacy boot, too?

I have only one testing bhyve VM guest but I think it was created without EFI partition / loader:

This is inside running VM:

root@kotel ~/# gpart show
=>      40  52428720  vtbd0  GPT  (25G)
        40         8         - free -  (4.0K)
        48      1024      1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
      1072  44040192      2  freebsd-ufs  (21G)
  44041264   8386560      3  freebsd-swap  (4.0G)
  52427824       936         - free -  (468K)

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
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