
Since yesterday, Intel 2200BG wifi card in my laptop stopped working all
of sudden.  Reboots and usual dances with driver (iwi(4)) did not help.
Attached is relevant parts of dmesg(8) with debug.iwi=5 (also downloadable
from  Basically, once I try to configure
it, I will see "iwi0: firmware error" on the console.  I did not do
anything with the kernel or the base.  Any ideas on how to fix it?

Since this card gave me lots of troubles over the past, any one can
recommend a decent mini-pci replacement?  It looks like ath(4) chips are
currently best supported.  I am thinking of something AR9223-based, which
should provide me with better experience and give 802.11n support as a
nice bonus.  Opinions?


iwi_newstate: SCAN -> INIT flags 0x1
enter LOADING state
exit LOADING state
Setting MAC address to 00:16:6f:b2:61:51
sending command idx=0 type=11 len=6
Configuring adapter
sending command idx=1 type=6 len=20
Setting .11bg supported rates (12)
sending command idx=2 type=22 len=16
Setting .11a supported rates (8)
sending command idx=3 type=22 len=16
Setting initialization vector to 4054530237
sending command idx=4 type=34 len=4
Enabling adapter
sending command idx=5 type=2 len=0
iwi_newstate: INIT -> SCAN flags 0x1
enter SCANNING state
Scan request: index 7 dwell 200/200/200
Scan 1 2.4GHz channels: 1/BCAST
sending command idx=6 type=26 len=96
Notification (20)
received frame len=139 chan=1 rssi=24 rssi_dbm=62
received frame len=226 chan=1 rssi=21 rssi_dbm=53
received frame len=226 chan=1 rssi=21 rssi_dbm=53
received frame len=349 chan=1 rssi=23 rssi_dbm=47
received frame len=145 chan=1 rssi=26 rssi_dbm=62
received frame len=129 chan=1 rssi=20 rssi_dbm=52
received frame len=349 chan=1 rssi=22 rssi_dbm=45
received frame len=145 chan=1 rssi=26 rssi_dbm=62
Scan of channel 2412 complete (1)
Scan completed (1, 1)
exit SCANNING state
enter SCANNING state
Scan request: index 8 dwell 200/200/200
Scan 1 2.4GHz channels: 6/BCAST
sending command idx=7 type=26 len=96
iwi0: firmware error
sending command idx=8 type=23 len=0
iwi0: firmware error
enter LOADING state
exit LOADING state
Setting MAC address to 00:16:6f:b2:61:51
sending command idx=0 type=11 len=6
Configuring adapter
sending command idx=1 type=6 len=20
Setting .11bg supported rates (12)
sending command idx=2 type=22 len=16
Setting .11a supported rates (8)
sending command idx=3 type=22 len=16
Setting initialization vector to 1453468842
sending command idx=4 type=34 len=4
Enabling adapter
sending command idx=5 type=2 len=0
Notification (20)
Notification (15)
Notification (15)
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