On 30 June 2013 13:17, Rui Paulo <rpa...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> I did not investigate much. If I were you, I'd look at the Makefile from 
> hostapd to see which files are needed along with the necessary CONFIG_P2P 
> macro. Then I would add them to our Makefile. You'll have build failures. Go 
> from there and figure out how it works and what needs to be done.

Yes, do this.

I'm going to work on (real) off-channel traffic support in net80211/ath soon.

Basic p2p isn't that hard - we'd just create another vap (call it a
p2p mode vap) and have it implement the relevant semantics for p2p
(discovery, announcement, session master/slave handling, etc.) After
that I believe it looks like a normal station mode connection.

I _think_ that the net80211 / driver side of things is pretty simple.
But I could be very wrong.

However, the p2p off-channel stuff requires significant stack and
driver work. I'm still sketching out what that's going to look like.

I'd love for someone to "own" p2p and work with us to get something
designed and into the tree!

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