
Please help me figure out what's wrong:

FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT r270733M amd64, PCI / Atheros 9227, 802.11n hostap mode
Time to time network traffic between clients and AP stops:

Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd] power save
mode off, 1 sta's in ps mode
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd]
ath_rate_findrate: switching quickly..
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd]
ath_rate_tx_complete: size 1600 (519 bytes) OK rate/short/long 7 MCS/0/1
nframes/nbad [1/0]
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd] power save
mode on, 2 sta's in ps mode
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd] power save
mode off, 1 sta's in ps mode
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd] power save
mode on, 2 sta's in ps mode
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd] power save
mode off, 1 sta's in ps mode
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd]
ath_rate_findrate: switching quickly..
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd]
ath_rate_tx_complete: size 1600 (305 bytes) OK rate/short/long 7 MCS/0/1
nframes/nbad [1/0]
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd]
ath_rate_findrate: switching quickly..
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd]
ath_rate_tx_complete: size 250 (114 bytes) OK rate/short/long 4 MCS/0/1
nframes/nbad [1/0]
Sep  5 16:18:31 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd] power save
mode on, 2 sta's in ps mode
Sep  5 16:18:32 blackbird kernel: wlan0: [84:7a:88:70:c6:cd] power save
mode off, 1 sta's in ps mode

it is the same case with all clients: android, windows, FreeBSD.
Workaround - reboot AP system :-(

Thank you!


ath0@pci0:4:0:0:        class=0x028000 card=0x0300168c chip=0x002d168c
rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Atheros Communications Inc.'
    device     = 'AR9227 Wireless Network Adapter'
    class      = network

mtu 1500
        ether f8:1a:67:89:0c:b8
        media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11ng <hostap>
        status: running
        ssid blackbird channel 4 (2427 MHz 11g ht/40+) bssid
        regdomain ETSI country RU indoor ecm authmode WPA1+WPA2/802.11i -wps
        -tsn privacy MIXED deftxkey 3
        TKIP 2:128-bit
        TKIP 3:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 30
        txpowmax 50.0 -dotd rtsthreshold 2346 fragthreshold 2346 bmiss 7
        11a     ucast NONE    mgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
        11b     ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
        11g     ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
        turboA  ucast NONE    mgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
        turboG  ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
        sturbo  ucast NONE    mgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
        11na    ucast NONE    mgmt 12 MCS  mcast 12 MCS  maxretry 6
        11ng    ucast NONE    mgmt  2 MCS  mcast  2 MCS  maxretry 6
        half    ucast NONE    mgmt  3 Mb/s mcast  3 Mb/s maxretry 6
        quarter ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
        scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250
        roam:11a     rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
        roam:11b     rssi    7dBm rate  1 Mb/s
        roam:11g     rssi    7dBm rate  5 Mb/s
        roam:turboA  rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
        roam:turboG  rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
        roam:sturbo  rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
        roam:11na    rssi    7dBm  MCS  1
        roam:11ng    rssi    7dBm  MCS  1
        roam:half    rssi    7dBm rate  6 Mb/s
        roam:quarter rssi    7dBm rate  3 Mb/s
        -pureg protmode CTS ht htcompat ampdu ampdulimit 64k ampdudensity 8
        amsdu shortgi htprotmode RTSCTS -puren -smps -rifs wme burst -dwds
        -hidessid apbridge dtimperiod 1 doth -dfs inact bintval 100
        AC_BE cwmin  4 cwmax  6 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
              cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm
        AC_BK cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
              cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm
        AC_VI cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  1 txopLimit  94 -acm ack
              cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm
        AC_VO cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  1 txopLimit  47 -acm ack
              cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm
        groups: wlan

317346       data frames received
432914       data frames transmit
543          tx frames with an alternate rate
29708        short on-chip tx retries
41739        long on-chip tx retries
5700         tx failed 'cuz too many retries
17           stuck beacon conditions
MCS4         current transmit rate
3            tx stopped 'cuz no xmit buffer
209          tx failed 'cuz destination filtered
2061         tx frames with no ack marked
421765       tx frames with short preamble
13990        rx failed 'cuz of bad CRC
1            rx failed 'cuz frame too short
1            rx failed 'cuz of PHY err
    1            illegal service
162287       beacons transmitted
554          periodic calibrations
-0/+0        TDMA slot adjust (usecs, smoothed)
50           rssi of last ack
33           avg recv rssi
-96          rx noise floor
9348         tx frames through raw api
205506       A-MPDU sub-frames received
120913       Half-GI frames received
751          CRC errors for non-last A-MPDU subframes
172          CRC errors for last subframe in an A-MPDU
1            Frames received w/ STBC encoding
97566        Frames transmitted with HT Protection
6407         Number of frames retransmitted in software
336          Number of frames exceeding software retry
178990       A-MPDU sub-frame TX attempt success
5884         A-MPDU sub-frame TX attempt failures
900          A-MPDU TX frame failures
1514         cabq frames transmitted
137          cabq xmit overflowed beacon interval
1            OFDM weak signal detect
189          listen time
33           ANI disabled OFDM weak signal detect
741238       cumulative OFDM phy error count
346722       cumulative CCK phy error count
677          ANI forced listen time to zero
35612        missing ACK's
50495        RTS without CTS
73359        successful RTS
19322        bad FCS
21           average rssi (beacons only)
Antenna profile:
[0] tx   277449 rx     7401
[1] tx        0 rx   309945

some logs and outputs (debug messages, tcpdump, etc) also available here:

logs for windows client https://yadi.sk/d/_Sc9xCYkb6GLR
logs for android  client https://yadi.sk/d/IL6qO9Ahb6GLW

Alex Deiter
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