
We're playing with FBSD8 (paravirt) for some time now, with these results:

- current CentOS 5.2+ (64bit) with Xen 3.3.1 installed via this XEN repo 
(remove CentOS Xen first): 


- self made kernel available from


- you need to install a FBSD8 (32bit!!!) (including svn) and take a snapshot of 
the disk via dd into system.img (have at least 6 GB space for rebuild of the 
system later), 
-> fstab should mount / as /dev/ad0s1a
-> xn0 is the netIF. 
-> add this line to /etc/ttys: 
xc0     "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"         vt100   on  secure

- bsd8.cfg looks like this

kernel = "/XEN/bsd8/kernels/kernel-17022009"
memory = 1024
name = "bsd8"
vif = ['mac=00:12:34:56:78:90, bridge=xenbr0']
disk = [ 'file:/XEN/bsd8/system.img,hda,w' ]
extra = "boot_verbose"
extra += ",vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/ad0s1a"
on_poweroff = 'destroy'
on_crash    = 'destroy'
on_reboot   = 'restart'

- update to current SVN tree with

# svn checkout http://svn.freebsd.org/base/head /usr/src

- rebuild everything with

# cd /usr/src
# make cleandepend
# make clean
# make depend
# make buildworld
# make kernel KERNCONF=XEN

Please note, that rebuilding the svn repo fails to build from time to time ... 

Rgds K

On 4/28/09 5:48 PM, "Manuel Steudtner" <manuel.steudt...@intrail.de> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> ----- "Alex Urbanowicz" <alex.urbanow...@artegence.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I need to set up a FreeBSD domU on a CentOS box, for testing purposes
>> and maybe later for production app. Any documentation I found
>> basically
>> redirects me to Kip Macy's fsmware.com which is down. Is there a
>> mirror
>> of the stuff anywhere? Is there a possibility of setting the stuff up
>> from grounds up without having to keep a separate FreeBSD box for
>> building bootstrap?
>> TIA
>> Alex
> did you succeed building a FreeBSD domU fitting into your CentOS environment? 
> I'm curios if you can share some sort of cookbook fragment.
> Kind regards,
> Manuel
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