Thanks for the response. Pass a message my way on this list as soon as your
tests are complete! I'd like to know as well for similar reasons.

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Deploy IS INFO [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 3:41 PM
To: kevin
Subject: Re: Running FreeBSD as a guest under xen


I've made test with 8-RELEASE and 32bit pv support works with only 
single cpu and there problems with network iirc. The 64bit hvm with pv 
driver works well and tested with 2 and 4 vpcpus. However with 4 cpus it 
got paniced at rc status. More tests will come as we'd like to give 
customers FreeBSD as an OS option on our VPS service.


kevin wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just joined this list and am interested in the viability of running a
> Xen Guest (non HVM) of FreeBSD (7.2 or 8.0). I understand that 8.0-Current
> has limited support for xen, however  I would like to know if this is
> possible to run FreeBSD as a paravirtualized  Xen Guest.
> Much appreciated!
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