what is the current status of 64 bit paravirtualized FreeBSD? The wiki page Xen wiki page [1] states that only i386 kernels can be run in fully paravirtualized mode. The wiki page hasn't been updated in a while. Has anything changed since the last update?

I would like to run FreeBSD as a DomU on a AMD 64 bit machine that does not have hardware accelerated virtualization. That propably means that it's not feasible to run a HVM based DomU on the machine? I would also like the DomU to be 64 bit to provide more than 4 gigabytes of RAM to the ZFS serving FreeBSD.

Or maybe I have misunderstood something. Is it possible to provide more than 4 GB RAM for a 32 bit DomU so that it can use all of it for ZFS caching?

[1] https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/Xen

Jonni Nakari
+358 50 4411 784

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