On 11/10/18 10:47, Hyun Hwang wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday, October 11, 2018, 9:56 AM (UTC+0200), Guido Falsi 
> <madpi...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> version of FreeBSD? Are you using latest binary packages? Quarterly? Own
>> repo?
> My machine is running FreeBSD 12.0-ALPHA9 r339274, with pkg pulling things 
> from `pkg+http://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:12:amd64/latest` IIRC. Every package 
> installed on my machine was up-to-date, including the pkg itself.

At present packages for 12 could have other problems due to the OpenSSL
thing, but since I was able to reproduce this in 11.2 this is not caused
by that.

>>> pkg: gstreamer1-plugins-lame has a missing dependency: lame
>> Uhm, this could be related in some way.
> Possibly? I have no idea how could this happen in pkg; it's not like I can 
> mangle package dependencies as in Ports tree.

Not sure, But this missing dependency could be breaking the chain that
causes the other ones not to be installed. All the packages missing are
multimedia related. volumed, mixer, gigolo. So it looks reasonable.

Guido Falsi <madpi...@freebsd.org>
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