Outra pergunta...isso nao seria um passo pra Microsoft sei la...."portar" partes do Mac OS X pro Windows? Já que ela investe tanto na Apple e, segundo dizem, ter até uma equipe so pra tratar de aplicativos Mac OS?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Georges Kormikiaris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lista de discussao do grupo FUG-BR" <Freebsd@fug.com.br>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [FUG-BR] [OFF] Mac OS X em i386? Macintosh sob Intel?

"As if it were a postscript to the case, Microsoft invested $150
million in Apple in 1997; among other announcements about several areas
of cooperation between the two companies, it was noted that the
arrangement would include a final settlement between the companies on
all infringement questions regarding the Lisa and Macintosh GUI."

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