veja seu php.ini

; Allow the <? tag.  Otherwise, only <?php and <script> tags are
; NOTE: Using short tags should be avoided when developing applications
; libraries that are meant for redistribution, or deployment on PHP
; servers which are not under your control, because short tags may not
; be supported on the target server. For portable, redistributable code,
; be sure not to use short tags.
short_open_tag = On

; Allow ASP-style <% %> tags.
asp_tags = Off

Em Sex, 2006-11-10 às 18:11 -0200, Rogério Schneider escreveu:
> Pessoal, estou passando pelo mesmo problema, consegui algum resultado com 
> isso:
> Editei o aquivo index.php e troquei a primeira linha de '<?' para '<?php'...
> Eu uso PHP5 deve ser por isso... Mas para que tudo funcione seria
> preciso alterar todos os arquivos, eu acho...
> Att,
> RS
> On 10/31/06, Sandro Consoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > boa tarde pessoal
> >
> > estou com um problema aq
> >
> > instalei o php4, apache2, tudo certinho, quando eu instalei o uebimiau,
> > para acessar a pagina pela primeira vez me apareceu isso:
> >
> >
> > > security=true; $smarty->secure_dir=array("./"); $smarty->compile_dir =
> > > $temporary_directory;
> > > $smarty->assign("umLanguageFile",$selected_language.".txt");
> > > $smarty->assign("umEmail",$f_email); $jssource = " ";
> > > //$smarty->debugging = true;
> > > $smarty->assign("umServerType",strtoupper($mail_server_type));
> > > switch(strtoupper($mail_server_type)) { case "DETECT": break; case
> > > "ONE-FOR-EACH": $aval_servers = count($mail_servers);
> > > $smarty->assign("umAvailableServers",$aval_servers);
> > > if(!$aval_servers) die("You must set at least one server in
> > > \$mail_servers, please review your config.php"); if ($aval_servers ==
> > > 1) { $strServers = "@".$mail_servers[0]["domain"]." "; } else {
> > > $strServers = "@".$mail_servers[$i]["domain"]."\r"; } $strServers .=
> > > "\r"; } $smarty->assign("umServer",$strServers); break; case
> > > "ONE-FOR-ALL": break; default: die("Unknown server mode, please see
> > > config.php"); } $smarty->assign("umUser",$f_user);
> > > $smarty->assign("umPass",$f_pass); $smarty->assign("umJS",$jssource);
> > > $avallangs = count($languages); if($avallangs == 0) die("You must
> > > provide at least one language"); $avalthemes = count($themes);
> > > if($avalthemes == 0) die("You must provide at least one theme");
> > > $smarty->assign("umAllowSelectLanguage",$allow_user_change_language);
> > > $func($textout); if($allow_user_change_language) { $def_lng =
> > > (is_numeric($lid))?$lid:$default_language; $langsel =
> > > "".$lang["name"]."\r"; } $langsel .= "\r";
> > > $smarty->assign("umLanguages",$langsel); }
> > > $smarty->assign("umAllowSelectTheme",$allow_user_change_theme);
> > > if($allow_user_change_theme) { $def_tem =
> > > (is_numeric($tid))?$tid:$default_theme; $themsel =
> > > "".$theme["name"]."\r"; } $themsel .= "\r";
> > > $smarty->assign("umThemes", $themsel); }
> > > $smarty->display("$selected_theme/login.htm");
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > o que pode ser isso, ja tentei de tudo nessa maquina e nada, será que
> > > alguem pode me dar uma força
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > valeu
> > >
> > > Sandro
> >
> > -------------------------
> > Histórico:
> > Sair da lista:
> >
Marcello Costa
BSD System Engineer
unixmafia at yahoo dot com dot br
FUG-BR #156

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