Em 05/09/2012 08:56, Welkson Renny de Medeiros escreveu:
> Parece interessante.
> Pelo que entendi em um post antigo do Patrick, o IPFW suporta
> multi-processamento e o PF não.
> Aparentemente implementaram a mesma coisa no PF.

Welkson o ipfw suporta até GPU usando o CUDA.  :)

O PF até onde eu lembre não tem esse suporte à GPU. Mas o PF, no 
FreeBSD, é multi-processado se eu não me engano mas no OpenBSD não é.

> Welkson
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gleb Smirnoff <gleb...@freebsd.org>
> Date: 2012/9/5
> Subject: [HEADS UP] merging projects/pf into head
> To: n...@freebsd.org, p...@freebsd.org
>    Hi!
>    [announce goes both to net@ and pf@, but any discussion should
>     go on on p...@freebsd.org only, please]
>    As you already may now, last half a year I've been working on
> making pf SMP-scalable and faster in general. More info can be
> found here:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-pf/2012-June/006643.html
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-pf/2012-June/006662.html
>    Since that announce in June, I've been running experimental code for
> more than 2 months in production on several routers. Also, some brave
> people volunteered to be beta-testers and also run the experimental
> branch in last couple of months. Code proved to be stable enough.
>    The new code performs better in production: less CPU load, less
> jitter, more responsive system under high load. It performs better
> under synthetic benchmarks like random generated UDP flood. It
> performs much better when DoS comes in.
>    Thus, I plan to merge projects/pf/head to head this weekend, and
> this is a HEADS UP email! You have been warned. :)
>    What I'd like to do next:
>    1) Move pf out of contrib.
>    2) Refactor the pfvar.h into pf.h and pf_var.h. Provide stable
>       kernel<->pfctl ABI. And probably other clean up tasks.
>    ...
>    3) ... too far to build any plans, yet. :)
> --
> Totus tuus, Glebius.
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> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-pf
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