Author: mir3x
Date: Tue Dec 23 19:36:40 2014
New Revision: 27393

Added unit properties to help dialog.

Patch submitted by Louis Moureaux <louis94>
See patch #5546


Modified: branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp
--- branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp    (original)
+++ branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp    Tue Dec 23 19:36:40 2014
@@ -181,6 +181,8 @@
+  option_var_set_callback(gui_qt_font_help_title,
+                          apply_help_font);
 #undef option_var_set_callback

Modified: branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp
--- branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp     (original)
+++ branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp     Tue Dec 23 19:36:40 2014
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "fcintl.h"
 // common
+#include "movement.h"
 #include "nation.h"
 #include "terrain.h"
 #include "specialist.h"
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
 #include <QApplication>
 #include <QDialogButtonBox>
 #include <QGroupBox>
+#include <QProgressBar>
 #include <QPushButton>
 #include <QSplitter>
 #include <QStack>
@@ -123,9 +125,8 @@
   setWindowTitle(_("Freeciv Help Browser"));
-  resize(600, 350);
+  resize(750, 450);
   layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
-  setLayout(layout);
   splitter = new QSplitter(this);
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
   help_wdg->layout()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-  sizes << 100 << 300;
+  sizes << 150 << 600;
   box = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close);
@@ -226,7 +227,8 @@
   Creates a new, empty help widget.
 help_widget::help_widget(QWidget *parent) :
-  QWidget(parent)
+  QWidget(parent),
+  main_widget(NULL)
@@ -235,7 +237,8 @@
   Creates a new help widget displaying the specified topic.
 help_widget::help_widget(const help_item *topic, QWidget *parent) :
-  QWidget(parent)
+  QWidget(parent),
+  main_widget(NULL)
@@ -248,14 +251,14 @@
   QVBoxLayout *layout;
-  QVBoxLayout *group_layout;
+  QHBoxLayout *group_layout;
   layout = new QVBoxLayout();
   box_wdg = new QFrame(this);
-  group_layout = new QVBoxLayout(box_wdg);
+  group_layout = new QHBoxLayout(box_wdg);
@@ -265,6 +268,8 @@
   text_browser = new QTextBrowser(this);
+  main_widget = text_browser;
@@ -273,13 +278,17 @@
 void help_widget::update_fonts()
-  QFont *label_font;
-  QFont *help_font;
+  QFont *help_font, *label_font, *title_font;
+  QLabel *label;
   label_font = gui()->fc_fonts.get_font("gui_qt_font_help_label");
   help_font = gui()->fc_fonts.get_font("gui_qt_font_help_text");
-  title_label->setFont(*label_font);
+  title_font = gui()->fc_fonts.get_font("gui_qt_font_help_title");
+  title_label->setFont(*title_font);
+  foreach (label, label_list) {
+    label->setFont(*label_font);
+  }
@@ -287,6 +296,10 @@
 void help_widget::set_topic(const help_item *topic)
+  // Remove any widget added by set_topic_xxx
+  set_main_widget(text_browser);
+  label_list.clear();
   char *title = topic->topic;
   for ( ; *title == ' '; ++title) {
     // Do nothing
@@ -330,6 +343,72 @@
     case HELP_LAST: // Just to avoid warning
+  update_fonts();
+  Sets the main content widget.
+void help_widget::set_main_widget(QWidget *widget)
+  QLayoutItem *item;
+  if (main_widget != widget) {
+    item = layout()->replaceWidget(main_widget, widget);
+    delete item;
+    if (main_widget != text_browser) {
+      main_widget->deleteLater();
+    }
+    main_widget = widget;
+    main_widget->setParent(this);
+  }
+  Creates a widget indicating a progress, used eg on unit help pages.
+  Arguments:
+    text: A descriptive text
+    progress: The progress to display
+    [min,max]: The interval progress is in
+    value: Use this to display a non-numeral value
+QWidget *help_widget::create_progress_widget(const QString &text,
+                                             int progress,
+                                             int min, int max,
+                                             const QString &value)
+  QGridLayout *layout;
+  QLabel *label;
+  QProgressBar *bar;
+  QWidget *wdg;
+  wdg = new QWidget();
+  layout = new QGridLayout(wdg);
+  layout->setMargin(0);
+  layout->setVerticalSpacing(0);
+  label = new QLabel(text, wdg);
+  label_list << label;
+  layout->addWidget(label, 0, 0);
+  label = new QLabel(wdg);
+  label_list << label;
+  if (value.isEmpty()) {
+    label->setNum(progress);
+  } else {
+    label->setText(value);
+  }
+  layout->addWidget(label, 0, 1, Qt::AlignRight);
+  bar = new QProgressBar(wdg);
+  bar->setMaximumHeight(4);
+  bar->setRange(min, max != min ? max : min + 1);
+  bar->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+  bar->setTextVisible(false);
+  bar->setValue(progress);
+  layout->addWidget(bar, 1, 0, 1, 2);
+  return wdg;
@@ -352,11 +431,129 @@
                                    const char *title)
   char buffer[MAX_HELP_TEXT_SIZE];
-  struct unit_type *utype = unit_type_by_translated_name(title);
+  int upkeep, max_upkeep;
+  struct advance *tech;
+  struct canvas *canvas;
+  struct unit_type *obsolete, *utype, *max_utype;
+  QLabel *label;
+  QList<int> list;
+  QSplitter *splitter;
+  QVBoxLayout *vbox;
+  QWidget *panel;
+  utype = unit_type_by_translated_name(title);
   if (utype) {
     helptext_unit(buffer, sizeof(buffer), client.conn.playing,
                   topic->text, utype);
+    // Create information widget
+    max_utype = uclass_max_values(utype->uclass);
+    splitter = new QSplitter(this);
+    splitter->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,
+                            QSizePolicy::Expanding);
+    set_main_widget(splitter);
+    panel = new QWidget(splitter);
+    vbox = new QVBoxLayout(panel);
+    splitter->addWidget(panel);
+    splitter->setStretchFactor(0, 25);
+    splitter->addWidget(text_browser);
+    splitter->setStretchFactor(1, 75);
+    list << 200 << 400;
+    splitter->setSizes(list);
+    label = new QLabel();
+    // Create unit icon
+    canvas = qtg_canvas_create(
+               tileset_full_tile_width(tileset),
+               tileset_full_tile_height(tileset)
+             );
+    canvas->map_pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent);
+    put_unittype(utype, canvas, 0, 0);
+    label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    label->setPixmap(canvas->map_pixmap);
+    qtg_canvas_free(canvas);
+    vbox->addWidget(label);
+    vbox->addWidget(create_progress_widget(
+                      _("Attack:"), utype->attack_strength, 0,
+                      max_utype->attack_strength));
+    vbox->addWidget(create_progress_widget(
+                      _("Defense:"), utype->defense_strength,
+                      0, max_utype->defense_strength));
+    vbox->addWidget(create_progress_widget(
+                      _("Moves:"), utype->move_rate, 0, max_utype->move_rate,
+                      move_points_text(utype->move_rate, true)));
+    vbox->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 2 * vbox->spacing()));
+    vbox->addWidget(create_progress_widget(
+                      _("Hitpoints:"), utype->hp, 0, max_utype->hp));
+    vbox->addWidget(create_progress_widget(
+                      _("Cost:"), utype_build_shield_cost(utype),
+                      0, utype_build_shield_cost(max_utype)));
+    vbox->addWidget(create_progress_widget(
+                      _("Firepower:"), utype->firepower, 0, 
+                      max_utype->firepower));
+    // Upkeep
+    upkeep = utype->upkeep[O_FOOD] + utype->upkeep[O_GOLD]
+             + utype->upkeep[O_LUXURY] + utype->upkeep[O_SCIENCE]
+             + utype->upkeep[O_SHIELD] + utype->upkeep[O_TRADE]
+             + utype->happy_cost;
+    max_upkeep = max_utype->upkeep[O_FOOD] + max_utype->upkeep[O_GOLD]
+                 + max_utype->upkeep[O_LUXURY] + max_utype->upkeep[O_SCIENCE]
+                 + max_utype->upkeep[O_SHIELD] + max_utype->upkeep[O_TRADE]
+                 + max_utype->happy_cost;
+    vbox->addWidget(create_progress_widget(
+                      _("Basic upkeep:"), upkeep, 0, max_upkeep,
+                      helptext_unit_upkeep_str(utype)));
+    vbox->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 2 * vbox->spacing()));
+    // Tech requirement
+    label = new QLabel();
+    label_list << label;
+    tech = utype->require_advance;
+    if (tech && tech != advance_by_number(0)) {
+      // TRANS: Unit requires technology
+      label->setText(QString(_("Requires %1."))
+                     .arg(advance_name_translation(tech)));
+    } else {
+      label->setText(_("No technology required."));
+    }
+    label->setWordWrap(true);
+    vbox->addWidget(label);
+    // Obsolescence
+    label = new QLabel();
+    label_list << label;
+    obsolete = utype->obsoleted_by;
+    if (obsolete) {
+      tech = obsolete->require_advance;
+      if (tech && tech != advance_by_number(0)) {
+        // TRANS: Current unit obsoleted by other unit (technology
+        // required to build other unit)
+        label->setText(QString(_("Obsoleted by %1 (%2)."))
+                       .arg(utype_name_translation(obsolete))
+                       .arg(advance_name_translation(tech)));
+      } else {
+        label->setText(
+          // TRANS: Current unit obsoleted by other unit
+          QString(_("Obsoleted by %1."))
+          .arg(utype_name_translation(obsolete)));
+      }
+    } else {
+      label->setText(_("Never obsolete."));
+    }
+    label->setWordWrap(true);
+    vbox->addWidget(label);
+    vbox->addItem(new QSpacerItem(
+                    0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
+    delete max_utype;
   } else {
     set_topic_other(topic, title);
@@ -499,3 +696,63 @@
     set_topic_other(topic, title);
+  Retrieves the maximum values any unit of uclass will ever have.
+  Supported fields:
+    attack_strength, bombard_rate, build_cost, city_size, convert_time,
+    defense_strength, firepower, fuel, happy_cost, hp, move_rate, pop_cost,
+    upkeep, vision_radius_sq
+  Other fiels in returned value are undefined. Especially, all pointers are
+  invalid except uclass.
+struct unit_type *help_widget::uclass_max_values(struct unit_class *uclass)
+  struct unit_type *max = new struct unit_type;
+  max->uclass = uclass;
+  max->attack_strength = 0;
+  max->bombard_rate = 0;
+  max->build_cost = 0;
+  max->city_size = 0;
+  max->defense_strength = 0;
+  max->firepower = 0;
+  max->fuel = 0;
+  max->happy_cost = 0;
+  max->hp = 0;
+  max->move_rate = 0;
+  max->pop_cost = 0;
+  max->upkeep[O_FOOD] = 0;
+  max->upkeep[O_GOLD] = 0;
+  max->upkeep[O_LUXURY] = 0;
+  max->upkeep[O_SCIENCE] = 0;
+  max->upkeep[O_SHIELD] = 0;
+  max->upkeep[O_TRADE] = 0;
+  max->vision_radius_sq = 0;
+  unit_type_iterate(utype) {
+    if (utype->uclass == uclass) {
+#define SET_MAX(v) \
+      max->v = max->v > utype->v ? max->v : utype->v
+      SET_MAX(attack_strength);
+      SET_MAX(bombard_rate);
+      SET_MAX(build_cost);
+      SET_MAX(city_size);
+      SET_MAX(convert_time);
+      SET_MAX(defense_strength);
+      SET_MAX(firepower);
+      SET_MAX(fuel);
+      SET_MAX(happy_cost);
+      SET_MAX(hp);
+      SET_MAX(move_rate);
+      SET_MAX(pop_cost);
+      SET_MAX(upkeep[O_FOOD]);
+      SET_MAX(upkeep[O_GOLD]);
+      SET_MAX(upkeep[O_LUXURY]);
+      SET_MAX(upkeep[O_SCIENCE]);
+      SET_MAX(upkeep[O_SHIELD]);
+      SET_MAX(upkeep[O_TRADE]);
+      SET_MAX(vision_radius_sq);
+#undef SET_MAX
+    }
+  } unit_type_iterate_end
+  return max;

Modified: branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/helpdlg.h
--- branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/helpdlg.h       (original)
+++ branches/S2_5/client/gui-qt/helpdlg.h       Tue Dec 23 19:36:40 2014
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 // Qt
 #include <QDialog>
 #include <QHash>
+#include <QList>
 extern "C" {
 #include "helpdlg_g.h"
@@ -56,8 +57,16 @@
   QTextBrowser *text_browser;
   QFrame *box_wdg;
   QLabel *title_label;
+  QWidget* main_widget;
+  QList<QLabel *> label_list;
   void setup_ui();
+  void set_main_widget(QWidget *main_widget);
+  QWidget *create_progress_widget(const QString& label,
+                                  int progress,
+                                  int min, int max,
+                                  const QString& value = QString()
+                                 );
   void set_topic_other(const help_item *item, const char *title);
@@ -81,6 +90,9 @@
 public slots:
   void set_topic(const help_item *item);
+  struct unit_type *uclass_max_values(struct unit_class *uclass);
 void update_help_fonts();

Modified: branches/S2_5/client/options.c
--- branches/S2_5/client/options.c      (original)
+++ branches/S2_5/client/options.c      Tue Dec 23 19:36:40 2014
@@ -238,9 +238,10 @@
 char gui_qt_font_city_label[512] = "Monospace,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
 char gui_qt_font_notify_label[512] = "Monospace,8,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0";
 char gui_qt_font_spaceship_label[512] = "Monospace,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
-char gui_qt_font_help_label[512] = "Sans Serif,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0";
+char gui_qt_font_help_label[512] = "Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
 char gui_qt_font_help_link[512] = "Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
 char gui_qt_font_help_text[512] = "Monospace,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
+char gui_qt_font_help_title[512] = "Sans Serif,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0";
 char gui_qt_font_chatline[512] = "Monospace,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
 char gui_qt_font_beta_label[512] = "Sans Serif,10,-1,5,50,1,0,0,0,0";
 char gui_qt_font_small[512] = "Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0";
@@ -2625,10 +2626,10 @@
                   "Monospace,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0", font_changed_callback),
   GEN_FONT_OPTION(gui_qt_font_help_label, "help_label",
                   N_("Help Label"),
-                  N_("This font is used to display the help headers in the "
+                  N_("This font is used to display the help labels in the "
                      "help window."),
                   COC_FONT, GUI_QT,
-                  "Sans Serif,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", font_changed_callback),
+                  "Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0", font_changed_callback),
   GEN_FONT_OPTION(gui_qt_font_help_link, "help_link",
                   N_("Help Link"),
                   N_("This font is used to display the help links in the "
@@ -2641,6 +2642,12 @@
                      "the help window."),
                   COC_FONT, GUI_QT,
                   "Monospace,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0", font_changed_callback),
+  GEN_FONT_OPTION(gui_qt_font_help_title, "help_title",
+                  N_("Help Title"),
+                  N_("This font is used to display the help title in "
+                     "the help window."),
+                  COC_FONT, GUI_QT,
+                  "Sans Serif,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", font_changed_callback),
   GEN_FONT_OPTION(gui_qt_font_chatline, "chatline",
                   N_("Chatline Area"),
                   N_("This font is used to display the text in the "

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