Author: cazfi
Date: Thu Apr  9 23:25:35 2015
New Revision: 28752

Renamed README.cma as README.governor

See patch #5965

      - copied unchanged from r28743, branches/S2_5/doc/README.cma

Modified: branches/S2_5/doc/
--- branches/S2_5/doc/       (original)
+++ branches/S2_5/doc/       Thu Apr  9 23:25:35 2015
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
        README.AI_modules       \
        README.agents           \
        README.attributes       \
-       README.cma              \            \
        README.effects          \
        README.fcdb             \
+       README.governor         \         \
        README.nations          \
        README.packaging        \

Removed: branches/S2_5/doc/README.cma
--- branches/S2_5/doc/README.cma        (original)
+++ branches/S2_5/doc/README.cma        (removed)
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-  Citizen Governor (aka Citizen Management Agent, or CMA)
-The CMA is a rather new tool built into the GTK+ client of Freeciv
-version 1.12.1. It is designed to help you manage your cities, i.e.
-deploy the workers on the available tiles around (or make them
-scientists, taxmen, or even entertainers), to get the most out of the
-city. You can switch the CMA on or off at any time for any city, but
-there are some handicaps (explained below), if you have CMA'd and
-non-CMA'd cities nearby. In any case you need an actual 1.12.1 or
-above server; the CMA won't run with server version 1.12.0.
-The heart of CMA is an optimizing algorithm, that tries to deploy the
-workers of a city in such a way, that a user-defined goal is achieved
-as much as possible. You know probably, there is already a kind of
-optimizing, when you open a city, and click on the center tile (the
-city symbol) of the mini map. This optimization tries to maximize
-mostly the science output; but it doesn't care about disorder.
-The new City Management Agent goes far beyond this old form of
-optimizing. First, it performs this task every time anything changes
-with the city. If the city grows or shrinks, troops go in or out,
-tiles get irrigation or mining, or are occupied by an enemy, the CMA
-becomes active. Second, it supports all kinds of optimizing, like
-production (shields), gold, science, or luxury. Third, it gives the
-player a fine-grained control over this, with the possibility of
-setting constraints for any kind of city output. The latter includes
-the constraint of celebration, which makes it very easy to let your
-cities grow, even in harder times. The forth, and probably most
-valuable thing in war times, is that is keeps your cities content,
-preventing them from revolt.
-  Usage
-You can set up the CMA for a city by opening the city window and
-clicking on the CMA tab. On the left side, you can choose a preset for
-a specified goal, on the right side you can specify more complex goals
-by moving the sliders. You can choose a preset at first, and then
-modify it. Once you have created a new setting, you can add a preset
-name for it. This is not required, but very useful, since you can
-watch and even change the city's setting from within the city report,
-if it is given a name. Don't forget to save settings (in the Game
-menu), when you've created new presets.
-The sliders are of two kinds: the rightmost sliders are factors, which
-gauges how much one product is worth compared to the others (e.g how
-much shields are worth with respect to everything else). The leftmost
-sliders are constraints: you can command the city not to lose food,
-e.g. by setting the surplus constraint to zero; and you can allow the
-city to lose gold by setting the gold surplus to -3 e.g., and urge
-them to make at least 5 shields per round by setting the production
-surplus to 5. The most powerful constraint, though, is the Celebrate
-constraint, which makes the city celebrate at once (which usually takes
-effect the round after you change it).
-It is obvious that the CMA can't fulfill all these constraints in
-every case. Whenever the constraints can't be fulfilled, the CMA quits
-its service for that city, giving a message: "The agent can't fulfill
-the requirements for Berlin. Passing back control." You then have the
-choice of either managing the city on your own (which has some
-drawbacks, see below), or open that city and change the surplus
-requirements so that they can be fulfilled.
-When you have made a setup for a city, you need to click on 
-"Control city" to switch on the CMA. If this button's text is greyed,
-either the CMA is already active, or the task is impossible. In the
-latter case you see dashes instead of numbers in the results block.
-If you ever want to switch off the CMA deliberately, click "Release
-  Advanced Usage
-There is not much experience using the CMA yet, but some common
-remarks may be helpful. Usually the goal(s) of your cities depend on
-the phase your game is in, whether you want to spread widely, grow
-quickly, research advanced techs or wage war. You may want to set up a
-high factor for science to research, or a high shields factor to
-produce units. The highest factor available is 25, that means: if the
-shields factor is set to 25, and other to 1, the CMA prefers a single
-shield over 25 gold (or trade also). This is pretty much because money
-can buy units too. That also means that the CMA is indifferent about
-producing gold, science, luxury, and food; but when you wage war, you
-usually prefer gold or luxury. So it's probably a good idea to set a
-second (or even third) preference for the city's output, e.g. gold
-factor 5. That still prefers 1 shield over 5 gold (and 1 gold over 5
-food or anything else).
-Constraints aren't useful in all cases. If you want a high income,
-it's probably better to set the gold factor to 25, than to set a
-minimal surplus of 5 or so. Because a big city can make more gold than
-a small one, you'd end up setting a different surplus for each city.
-However, if the shields surplus of a city is below zero, it cannot
-support all of its units any more. You will lose some of the units the
-city supports. If the food surplus is negative, the city will starve
-and eventually (when the granary is empty) shrink. This may be
-intended, but if the city supports any settlers, you will lose them
-before the city shrinks. Constraints can also have a warning function.
-Which constraints can be fulfilled depends widely on the global
-science, tax, and luxury rates. E.g. a gold surplus >= 0 is easier to
-fulfill with a higher tax rate than a lower one. You should always
-consider to change these rates, when you going to change the CMA
-settings for the most of your cities.
-Hint: To avoid accidentally releasing your cities, when you change the
-rates, it is best to do so from within the tax dialog rather than from
-the rates display in the main window.
-  Drawbacks
-The CMA is a very powerful tool, which not only releases you from the
-micromanagement of your cities, but gives you more performance than
-you have ever seen (well, for most players).
-There are some drawbacks, though. Once you've switched on the CMA, it
-grabs any good tile it can get. So you encounter very hard times
-trying to manage a city nearby a CMA-controlled one. This is true for
-the city window and the main map worker's interface as well. If you
-want to have CMA-controlled and "handmade" cities, they probably
-should be on different islands.
-There are several situations where the CMA can't fulfill the
-requirements just temporarily, e.g. when you move a ship from one city
-to another, or when an enemy walks through your country. The CMA
-passes back control in these cases, and you have to reenable it
-manually. A general approach to prevent this might be, to set the
-minimal surpluses as low as possible (-20). Of course you must be
-careful with the food and shield surpluses.
-While the CMA does a really good job for a single city, no tile will
-ever be released for the good of another city. Also, the CMA'd cities
-are computed in a more random order; the results may depend on it and
-change, when a recalculation is done (when tax changes e.g.). So, no
-guarantee is given that the overall results are always optimal.
-  Settings file
-The client allows the user to load and save preset parameters for the
-agent. Choosing "Save Settings" from the "Game" menu will not only
-save your general options and message options, but it will save any
-changes you made to you CMA presets as well.
-The format for the options file (usually ~/.freeciv-client-rc-X.Y , where X.Y
-is the version of freeciv in use) is as follows (in case you which to change
-these presets manually, i.e. with a text editor).
-Under the heading [cma], is a "number_of_presets". This should be set
-to the number of presets that are present in the options file. If you
-manually add or remove a preset, you need to change this number as
-After this, is an array that houses the presets. Here is the header:
-preset={ "name","minsurp0","factor0","minsurp1","factor1","minsurp2",
-so the order of the preset should be as follows: 
-name of preset, minimal surplus 0, factor 0, ... , 
-require city to be happy, what the target should be [0,1], 
-the happiness factor
-Currently there are 6 surpluses and factors. They are:
-0 = food, 1 = production, 2 = trade, 3 = gold, 4 = luxury,
-5 = science
-Also currently, "factortarget" is not changeable within the client,
-see "client/agents/cma_core.h" for more information.
-The array should be terminated with a '}'.
-Here are 21 presets you can use if you can't come up with some on 
-your own:
-"Max food",0,10,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max production",0,1,0,10,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max trade",0,1,0,1,0,10,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max tax",0,1,0,1,0,1,0,10,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max luxury",0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,10,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max science",0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,10,0,0,1
-"+2 food",2,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+2 production",0,1,2,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+2 trade",0,1,0,1,2,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+2 gold",0,1,0,1,0,1,2,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+2 luxury",0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,2,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+2 science",0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,2,1,0,0,1
-"Max food no gold limit",0,10,0,1,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max production no gold limit",0,1,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max trade no gold limit",0,1,0,1,0,10,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max gold no gold limit",0,1,0,1,0,1,-20,10,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max luxury no gold limit",0,1,0,1,0,1,-20,1,0,10,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max science no gold limit",0,1,0,1,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,10,0,0,1
-"Max food+prod. no gold limit",0,10,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max food+prod.+trade",0,10,0,10,0,10,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"Max all",0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-here are 6 more that have been added as an afterthought:
-"+1 food, max prod. no gold limit",1,1,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+2 food, max prod. no gold limit",2,1,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+3 food, max prod. no gold limit",3,1,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+4 food, max prod. no gold limit",4,1,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+5 food, max prod. no gold limit",5,1,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"+6 food, max prod. no gold limit",6,1,0,10,0,1,-20,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-and even more, some with multiple goals:
-"research at any cost",0,1,0,5,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,25,0,0,1
-"celebration and growing",1,1,0,25,-20,1,-20,12,-20,1,-20,1,1,0,1
-"grow at any cost",1,25,0,5,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,5,0,0,1
-"research and some shields",0,1,0,8,0,1,-3,1,0,1,0,25,0,0,1
-"shields and a bit money",0,1,0,25,0,1,-3,3,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"many shields and some money",0,1,0,25,0,1,0,9,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
-"shields and some research",0,1,0,25,0,1,-2,1,0,1,0,8,0,0,1
-"celebrate and grow at once",1,1,0,25,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,8,1,0,1
-Last updated: 9 Jan 2002

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