<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=29557 >

> [dmarks - Sa 16. Dez 2006, 11:25:45]:
> The SDL client crashes semi-randomly on Mac OS X (10.3.9), but there
> is one segfault that is 100% reproducible: Go to 'video options' and
> chose 1024x768 (max res on my machine) without first selecting 'full
> screen' = immediate segfault. (The resolution works fine in full
> screen tho'.)

can you please send a backtrace?

> Other graphical irregularities includes:
> -The national flag to the upper right in the pregame nation selection
> screen only appear once. As soon as you select another nation, it
> disappears.
> -Building icons are missing from the city production screen.
> -National flags are missing from the players screen.

does the attached patch fix the problem in the nation selection dialog?

Index: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c
--- client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c	(Revision 12428)
+++ client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -2556,17 +2556,13 @@
 static void change_nation_label(void)
-  SDL_Surface *pTmp_Surf, *pTmp_Surf_zoomed;
   struct widget *pWindow = pNationDlg->pEndWidgetList;
   struct NAT *pSetup = (struct NAT *)(pWindow->data.ptr);  
   struct widget *pLabel = pSetup->pName_Edit->next;
   struct nation_type *pNation = get_nation_by_idx(pSetup->nation);
-  pTmp_Surf = get_nation_flag_surface(get_nation_by_idx(pSetup->nation));
-  pTmp_Surf_zoomed = ZoomSurface(pTmp_Surf, DEFAULT_ZOOM * 1.0, DEFAULT_ZOOM * 1.0, 1);  
-  pLabel->theme = pTmp_Surf_zoomed;
+  pLabel->theme = adj_surf(get_nation_flag_surface(get_nation_by_idx(pSetup->nation)));
   copy_chars_to_string16(pLabel->string16, Q_(pNation->name_plural));
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