<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=34265 >

On 1/22/07, Marko Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Ruleset patch for deep ocean. This is just for testing gfx for two
> different ocean types. Ocean types have no functional difference. They
> only will look different when we get working gfx.

 Adjusted ocean_depth parameters for both ocean types so there will be
more Ocean and less Deep Ocean. Now there should be slightly more
Ocean than Deep Ocean.

 - ML

diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/data/default/terrain.ruleset freeciv/data/default/terrain.ruleset
--- freeciv/data/default/terrain.ruleset	2007-01-22 22:06:23.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv/data/default/terrain.ruleset	2007-01-23 14:20:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -218,6 +218,45 @@
  work with.\
+name                 = _("Deep Ocean")
+graphic              = "deep"
+graphic_alt	     = "ocean"
+identifier	     = " "
+movement_cost        = 1
+defense_bonus        = 0
+food                 = 1
+shield               = 0
+trade                = 2
+resources            = "Fish", "Whales"
+road_trade_incr      = 0
+road_time            = 0
+irrigation_result    = "no"
+irrigation_food_incr = 0
+irrigation_time      = 0
+mining_result        = "no"
+mining_shield_incr   = 0
+mining_time          = 0
+transform_result     = "Ocean"
+transform_time       = 36
+rail_time            = 3
+airbase_time         = 3
+fortress_time        = 3
+clean_pollution_time = 3
+clean_fallout_time   = 3
+warmer_wetter_result = "no"
+warmer_drier_result  = "no"
+cooler_wetter_result = "no"
+cooler_drier_result  = "no"
+native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
+flags                = "Oceanic", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast", "NoCities"
+property_ocean_depth = 80
+helptext	     = _("\
+Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units can travel on them.\
+Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
 name                 = _("Desert")
 graphic              = "desert"
@@ -455,7 +494,7 @@
 name                 = _("Ocean")
 graphic              = "ocean"
 graphic_alt	     = "-"
-identifier	     = " "
+identifier	     = "_"
 movement_cost        = 1
 defense_bonus        = 0
 food                 = 1
@@ -483,7 +522,7 @@
 cooler_drier_result  = "no"
 native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
 flags                = "Oceanic", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast", "NoCities"
-property_ocean_depth = 10
+property_ocean_depth = 30
 helptext	     = _("\
 Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
  other boats) can travel on them.\
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