<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=38241 >

On 3/16/07, Marko Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Player has shared vision from Galicians, and is allied with them.
> Aztec Alpine Troops conquer Galician city of Mitxcoac (65, 39). When
> city vision is removed, client still sees that Aztec Alpine Troops in
> city.

 Actually it's more complicated than that. Player sees how Alpine
Troops *enter* city, since city is at that point owned by allied &
shared vision player. Then city owner is changed and player no longer
sees *changes* to Alpine Troops status. Alpine Troops gets actually
killed by Ironclad, but client still sees it inside city. Ironclad
then moves away and city gets fogged.

 To me it seems that this works incorrectly in two ways.
 First of all, previous owner (or players with shared vision) should
not see unit that conquered city inside city (I think it's always seen
until tile fogging or visible fight causes it to be removed)
 Second, shared vision should show fight between allied/shared vision
Ironclad and enemy Alpine Troops.  Now I see only Ironclad to
mysteriously lose hitpoints when it moves away (first send_unit_info()
to me after fight)

 - ML

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