<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39360 >

Usability dramatically decreased with 2.1.0b4.  After creating a new
game, I changed the worklist immediately to settlers, settlers,
settlers, settlers, warriors, settlers, warriors, coinage.  Also, I
created a new worklist, added items to it, then changed the name of the
worklist.  Once the name changed, my items disappeared from the
worklist. :-(  When I click save options in the UI, it does not save
work lists, and it seems it also doesn't want to save CMA's.  Users are
not able to turn off production views in ISOTrident or amplio.  I
haven't tried the other tile sets.  I could go on, but this is enough
for a start.  I would rather go back to b3 than continue with this UI.

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