<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=8398 >

On Thu, 17 May 2007, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> Per I. Mathisen wrote:
>> I think the proper solution to this problem is that ceasefires do not
>> count down, but can be broken at any time by any government without penalty.
> I disagree.  The count down is an essential game function.

I am curious. What exactly is this function?

> reputation is gone?


> Perhaps the count value should be negotiable, just like gold value?

Perhaps. But I do not think that cease fires are negotiations of the sort 
"we agree to keep peace in X turns, and then we go to war against each 
other again, unless we become friends in the meantime". So if there is a 
possibility of infinite cease fires, I bet almost everyone would use that, 
leaving the countdown largely superfluous.

   - Per

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