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Several typos I have found in the ottoman, colombian, westphalian, malian,
byzantium, and romanian rulesets while translating. See file for the


Several typos I have found in the ottoman, colombian, westphalian, malian, byzantium, and romanian rulesets while translating. See file for the details.


Index: ottoman.ruleset
--- ottoman.ruleset	(revision 13418)
+++ ottoman.ruleset	(working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 groups="Medieval", "Asian", "European"
 legend=_("In the beginning of the 14th century Osman, a leader of a\
- minor Turkic tribe in western Anatolia, conquered all his neigboring\
+ minor Turkic tribe in western Anatolia, conquered all his neighboring\
  tribes. A century later the Byzantine capital fell to\
  Turkic rule which gave the Ottoman empire access to Europe. The\
  Ottomans subsequently conquered large parts of south-eastern\
Index: colombian.ruleset
--- colombian.ruleset	(revision 13418)
+++ colombian.ruleset	(working copy)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 groups="Modern", "American"
 legend=_("Colombia is a country in northern South America. The region was\
  an Amerindian cultural center in pre-European time. The Spanish began\
- settling Colombia's north coast around 1500. In 1819 the The Republic of\
+ settling Colombia's north coast around 1500. In 1819 the Republic of\
  Colombia gained independence.")
  "Simón Bolívar",
Index: westphalian.ruleset
--- westphalian.ruleset	(revision 13418)
+++ westphalian.ruleset	(working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 groups="Medieval", "European"
 legend=_("Westphalia, before becoming a Prussian province, was the western\
- region the duchy of Saxony. Present-day it consists of the Northern part of\
+ region of the duchy of Saxony. Present-day it consists of the Northern part of\
  the largest German federal state, North Rhine-Westphalia.")
 leader =
Index: malian.ruleset
--- malian.ruleset	(revision 13418)
+++ malian.ruleset	(working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  for millennia. In medieval times, the region was home to a succession of\
  empires called the Sahelian kingdoms. Of these, the Islamic Mali empire\
  with it's capital in Timbuktu was the most influential. This empire\
- reigned from the 14th to the 17th century and was famed for it's wealth and\
+ reigned from the 14th to the 17th century and was famed for its wealth and\
  benevolent kings. The modern Republic of Mali derives its name from this\
Index: byzantium.ruleset
--- byzantium.ruleset	(revision 13418)
+++ byzantium.ruleset	(working copy)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  Constantine moved the empire's capital to Byzantium and formed a new empire\
  mostly known as the Eastern Roman empire or the Byzantine empire. This\
  empire lasted until 1453 when its capital fell to the Ottomans. At the time\
- of Justinian I, the Byzanines controlled nearly all of Middle East, nothern\
+ of Justinian I, the Byzanines controlled nearly all of Middle East, northern\
  Africa, Italy and parts of Spain.")
  "Justinianus I",
Index: romanian.ruleset
--- romanian.ruleset	(revision 13418)
+++ romanian.ruleset	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 legend=_("Romania as a nation was formed at the beginning of the 20th\
  century, when the states of Transylvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia merged.\
  It is a country inhabited by people speaking a language reminiscent from\
- the time of ancient Rome. It's history is convoluted as it was always at\
+ the time of ancient Rome. Its history is convoluted as it was always at\
  the borders of great empires: Roman, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and\
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