<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39674 >

On 06/09/07, Karl-Ingo Friese wrote:
> Hello,
> a behauvior which can be quite surprising if you are
> not aware of it:
> When a city is attacked, the unit with the best defense
> chances is choosen - even if it is the leader! Concrete:
> If a catapult attacks a city with a phalanx + leader, the
> leader will defend (and most likely die).

 Agreed. Someone said that this is correct behavior in a ruleset with
extremely powerfull GameLoss units player can build. Player takes the
risk by building (and fighting with) such units.

> IMHO the leader should try to stay out of the combat as
> long as he is not the only defender. He is the leader.
> Of course this only counts for cities and fortresses ...

 While we have no mechanism to determine what is expected behavior for
given GameLoss unit, I think your proposal would be better default.

> Remark: Leader = Gameloss Unit

 I figured so, even if I would reserve word Leader for some Unique Unit :-)

 - ML

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