<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39829 >

I tried to clean this up first, as it seemed the easiest to be done
during lunch, but no joy.  In the save games, the number of workers for
every city is correctly one (1) greater than the city size (the center
tile doesn't count in the size display).

After much parameterization of too many constants, it seems the problem
goes back all the way to create_city_virtual(); lines 2391, 2399-2404:

   pcity->size = 1;
   pcity->specialists[DEFAULT_SPECIALIST] = 1;
   pcity->feel[CR_HAPPY][CS_FINAL] = 0;
   pcity->feel[CR_CONTENT][CS_FINAL] = 1;
   pcity->feel[CR_UNHAPPY][CS_FINAL] = 0;
   pcity->feel[CR_ANGRY][CS_FINAL] = 0;

That's the problem!  2 citizens > 1 size

Apparently, for real cities, this is fixed later in generic_city_refresh()?
For pseudo-cities, it's not done....

Can anybody explain why specialist and content citizen both = 1?

(I'm testing today with only specialist = 1, content = 0.)

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