<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=12188 >


Du schriebst am 11. Dec um 01:22 Uhr:

> It's a keyboard command in 2.1.  If it had been fixed 2 years ago, that
> would have been a good time to change it.  Now, it's embedded in the help
> system and translations.
> Let's keep the eye on the prize here.  Waiting for the German translator
> to verify whether it fixes his bug report.

Things have changed since 2005, maybe in the code, in the translations, and
- during last days - on my system, too, with an update from Sarge to Etch.

Now, with you patch, I have no Alt-t mnemonic in the menues any more. More
important, the Alt-t command for the main map (mouse cursor hovering over
it) does not do anything at all. Worse, the numpad cursor keys for moving
units do not work, sometimes. Seems related to what keys I pressed before.


Christian Knoke            * * *            http://cknoke.de
* * * * * * * * *  Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse dividendum.

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